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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
2. Website Address any legal document with photograph, thumbprint, or signature of previous voter card) or identified by
two witness registered as voters in area. A voter’s card is issued.
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
3. Nature of EMB Identity Card
Independent, N/A Voter Card
4. No. of Members in EMB 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
17, N/A 48.49%
5. Terms of office 6. Voting Method
5 Years, N/A Manual marking of Ballots
6. EMB Members selected by 7. Voting Process
Political parties, civil society, N/A The polling stations open at 9 am. Polling officials
show empty ballot boxes to candidates and par-
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
Names of Elections conducted by EMB Presiden- ty agents present and seal them later. At least one
tial, Legislative, Provincial Assembly Elections, polling staff is present to verify the number of elec-
Municipal Elections tors and guide them to their polling stations within
the voting centre. After the voter’s identity is es-
8. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the tablished, s/he is allowed to mark her/his choice
Electoral Process in the country at National Level on the ballot paper. There is a provision of ‘Spe-
with names of the Heads cialvote’, i.e. in Mozambique, party staff and polling
National Electoral Commission (CNE) agents are allowed to vote before polling station
opens. Special ballot papers are put in envelopes
Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration and dropped in a ballot box.
Provincial electoral commissions 8. Postal Vote
City/district electoral commissions
Constitutional Council 9. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
Law 8/2007 of 26 February
1. Total Population
Total: 51.2 Million
2. Registered Electors
Total: 11 Million (Oct., 2014)
3. Method of voter registration
Voter registration is compulsory, permanent vot-
ers’ roll updated in each election year by STAE
under supervision of CNE. Voters must present
acceptable identification document (Valid identi-
fication includes birth certificates, passports, and
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