P. 117

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  4. No. of Members in EMB                               6. Voting Method
                      13                                                     Manual marking of Ballots

                  5. Terms of office                                     7. Voting Process
                      Unlimited                                              Upon  arrival  at  the  polling  station,  a  voter  is  re-
                                                                             quired  to  show  her/his  Permanent  Voter’s  Card
                  6. EMB Members selected by                                 (PVC).  The  polling  official  checks  photo  on  the
                      President                                              PVC for identification purpose and also checks the
                                                                             name of the voter in the voter list. A card reader is
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                      President                                              used to confirm the status of PVC. In order to as-
                                                                             certain that the voter has not voted before, fingers
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB                     are also checked for ink marks. A tick is marked
                      Local  Government  /Area  Council  Election,  State    corresponding to the voter’s name in the voter list
                      House  of  Assembly  ,  House  of  Representatives  ,   upon verification. Indelible ink is applied on cuti-
                      Senate, Governorship, Presidential                     cle of the finger. A folded ballot paper (printed side
                                                                             inwards) with its back stamped and signature by
                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                      INEC official is given to the voter. The voter enters
                      INEC 2002                                              the polling booth and stains appropriate finger with

                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        indelible  ink  to  mark  the  section  provided  in  the
                                                                             ballot paper corresponding to her/his candidate of
                  1. Total Population                                        choice. The ballot paper must be folded vertical-
                      Total: 26.1 Million                                    ly with the printed side facing inwards before it is
                                                                             dropped into a ballot box.
                  2. Registered Electors
                      Total: 84 Million (Mar., 2019)                     8. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
                                                                             Section  139  of  the  Constitution  makes  a  similar
                  3. Method of voter registration                            provision for the determination of questions or pe-
                      The  eligible  person  physically  presents  himself   titions relating to presidential election. This time,
                      to the official in-charge of the registration centre   the petition is filed in the Court of Appeal, which
                      where he intends to register. The registering officer   legally exercises the original jurisdiction. Whereas
                      may demand from the applicant certain informa-         the Court of Appeal is the final arbiter in petitions
                      tion necessary to determine  his identity  and  eli-   arising from National Assembly, Governorship and
                      gibility. This is usually done through questioning.    State Houses of Assembly elections, the Supreme
                      The officer, if satisfied by the information so pro-   Court has the final decision on presidential elec-
                      vided, then enters the applicant’s names and other     tion matters. The Electoral Act 2002  also makes
                      particulars in the specified form, issues a voter’s    provision for the State Chief Judge to set up Local
                      card to the registrant and marks his right thumb       Government Election Tribunals to try cases arising
                      nail with indelible ink to prevent him from carrying   from local council elections. It is note worthy that
                      out double or multiple registrations.                  only a candidate or a political party can file any pe-
                                                                             tition concerning election matters. No other person
                    or group can approach election tribunal on election
                      voter-education-handbook.pdf/view                      matters. Citizens are encouraged to always adopt

                                                                             constitutional and other legal avenues of settling
                  4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                   Identity Card                                             electoral disputes.
                      Voter Card                                         9. Voter Education system
                                                                             Through Posters
                  5. Voter turnout in last National Elections

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