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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  2. Website Address                                         in the district) or cells (nexthighest administrative
                                                     unit after village) level, depending on the NEC’s de-
                                                                             cision, for additions and corrections.
                  3. Nature of EMB
                      Independent and Autonomous                         4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                                                                           Identity Card
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   Rwanda National Identity Card
                                                                         5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  5. Terms of office                                         96.82%
                      3 Years
                                                                         6. Voting Method
                  6. EMB Members selected by                                 Manual marking of Ballots
                      President, Senate
                                                                         7. Voting Process
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                      On poll day, voting commences at 6 am and ends at
                      President, Senate                                      3 pm. Voting is an obligation for citizens of Rwan-

                                                                             da.  Each  polling  room  has  3  polling  agents.  First
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      Presidential, Parliamentary                            polling agent verifies identity and whether a voter
                                                                             fulfils the requirements as mentioned in electoral
                  9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the              law. Second polling agent is given the responsibil-
                   Electoral Process                                         ity of issuing ballot paper and third polling agent is
                                                                             assigned with the responsibility of marking on the
                10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                       voter’scard. The voter casts her/his vote by means
                      law N° 39/2000 of November 28, 2000                    of ballot paper in secrecy and drops it in a ballot box
                                                                             beforeleaving the poll room.
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
                                                                         8. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
                  1. Total Population
                      Total: 12.9 Million (Oct., 2019)                   9. Voter Education system for different category of
                      Male: 6.3 Million           Female: 6.6 Million      voters and  Pictures of Electoral Processes

                  2. Registered Electors                               (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
                      Total: 6 Million (Sep., 2013)
                                                                         1. Last Elections Dates
                  3. Method of voter registration                            2 September 2018
                      The NEC currently operates a permanent voters’
                      register  which  is  updated  before  each  election.     2. Future Election Calendar
                      Since the introduction of the national ID card da-     2023
                      tabase in 2007, the update is conducted from this
                      civil register. The ID card database is, by law, held     3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
                      by  the  National  Identification  Department  (NID).   No
                      During updates, the NEC extracts and uploads re-    4. Advance Voting
                      cords of all citizens entitled to vote from the civil   Yes
                      register database into the NEC’s voter register da-
                      tabase. This is done by networking the two institu-    5. Compulsory Voting
                      tions’ ICT facilities. Voters’ lists are then produced   No
                      and displayed at village (lowest administrative unit

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