P. 113


                                                           H.E. Felisberto Naife,
                                                                 D.G. STAE

                PArt i                                                 PArt ii
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                        LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  1. Official Name                                     LEGISLATURE
                      República de Moçambique                            1. Structure of National Legislature:
                  2. Government
                      Presidential Republic                              2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                                                                             Assembly of the Republic (Assembleia da Repúbli-
                  3. Head of State Designation                               ca)
                      President Filipe Jacinto NYUSI
                                                                         3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  4. Head of government Designation                        nominated
                      Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho DO ROSARIO             In  the  Assembly  of  the  Republic  (Assembleia da
                                                                             República),  248  members  are  elected  through  a
                  5. Capital                                                 closed-list  proportional  representation  system  to
                                                                             serve  5-year  terms  and  2  members  are  elected
                  6. Currency                                                in  single-member  constituencies  to  serve  5-year
                      Metical (MZM)                                          terms.

                  7. Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                4. Popular House
                      African 99%, mestizo 0.8%, other 0.2%                  Assembleia da Republica

                  8. Date of Independence                                5. Type of Electoral System
                      25 June 1975 (from Portugal)                           Closed-list proportional representation system

                  9. Date of adoption of Democratic                    PArt iii
                   Constitution                                          ELECtorAL sYstEM
                      21 December 2004, amended in  2007

                10. Language (s)                                       (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                      Portuguese (official)
                                                                         1. Name of the EMB(S)
                11. Literacy Levels                                          Comissao Nacional de Eleicoes-CNE (The Nation-
                      Male: 72.6 %        Female: 50.3 %                     al Electoral Commission) and the Secretariat fo//r
                      Total: 60.66%                                          the Technical Administration of Elections-STAE

            * Draft. Updated by the respective EMB              AF-21  93

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