P. 108
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii 5. Voting Process
In 2007, Mali replaced multiple ballot system with
ELECtorAL sYstEM single ballot system. As per article 80 of the law,
the model and content of the ballot is determined
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy by decision of the Minister in charge of Territorial
Affairs. In single ballot system, candidate name,
1. Name of the EMB(S) party symbol, photos etc. is printed on one ballot
Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante paper. The voter has to mark the box of candidate/
(CENI) (Independent National Electoral Commis- party of her/his choice. The earlier law mandated
sion) that voter had to cast her/his vote by leaving a fin-
ger impression after dipping finger in inkpot. The
Ministry of Territorial Administration (DGCT)
single ballot system was brought in use with an
2. Website Address aim to reduce electoral fraud.,
6. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
3. Nature of EMB
Mixed, N/A 7. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
4. No. of Members in EMB
15, N/A
5. Terms of office
For election period only, N/A
6. EMB Members selected by
Political parties, religious leaders, judicial, human
rights association, women’s association(FACO),
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
Not Specified, N/A
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, Legislative, Regional, Local and Com-
munal (Ministry of Territorial Administration)
1. Total Population
Total: 20 Million (Oct., 2019)
Male: 10 Million Female: 10 Million
2. Registered Electors
Total: 8.5 Million (Aug., 2018)
3. Method of voter registration
4. Voting Method
Manual marking of Ballots
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