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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  5. Terms of office                                     7. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
                      4 Years
                                                                         8. Voter Education system for different category of
                  6. EMB Members selected by                               voters Best Practices
                      Legislature appointed by the President                 To implement C&VE, MEC will work collaborative-
                                                                             ly with and through eligible stakeholders. Over 40
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                      Judicial  service  Commission,  Appointed  by  the     Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have been se-
                                                                             lected  and  funded  through  UNDP/MEC  Basket
                                                                             Fund, 50/50 Campaign or the European Commis-
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB                     sion.
                      President, Parliamentary, Municipal Elections          The long term civic education efforts are aimed at

                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                      not only developing informed women and men but
                      Electoral Commission Act, art. 4(1)                    also to enculturate the Malawi Society with prin-
                                                                             ciples and practices of democratic  elections.  A
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        sustained C&VE effort can help build confidence in
                                                                             the electoral process to trust the ballot as the most
                  1. Total Population                                        appropriate and viable way of periodically electing
                      Total: 19.6 Million (Oct., 2019)                       leaders at all levels. The Commission has also fol-
                      Male: 9.8 Million          Female: 9.8 Million         lowing strategies to mobilise people to participate
                                                                             in the electoral processes:
                  2. Registered Electors
                      Total:  6.8 Million (May, 2019)                        theatre performances and road shows
                                                                             126 theatre groups were trained and deployed to
                  3. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo                all 28 districts in the country. They have been con-
                   Identity Card                                             ducting drama and comedy performances.
                      National Identification card (Chipaso cha Nzika)
                                                                             Radio and tV programmes
                  4. Voter turnout in last National Elections                Most  major  and  some  community  radios  have
                      73.35%                                                 been broadcasting C&VE programmes.
                  5. Voting Method                                           Faith Based and school outreach
                      Manual marking of Ballots                              Letters  have  been  sent  churches  and  mosques
                                                                             informing  followers  about  electoral  process  and
                  6. Voting Process                                          to all primary schools informing parents through
                      On  the  polling  day,  voting  starts  from  6  am  and   pupils.
                      closes at 6 pm. Before voting begins, the presiding
                      officer exhibits empty ballot box to all stakeholders   traditional Authority meetings
                      and seals it later. The voter is required to show vot-  Meeting  with  traditional  authorities  have  been
                      er registration certificate to the presiding officer for   conducted throughout the country to brief them on
                      identity confirmation. The voter’s finger is dipped    various stages of the electoral process.
                      in indelible ink and a ballot paper is provided. The   Distribution of c&Ve Material
                      voter casts her/his vote in a voting booth. Blind or   Over 2,000,000 posters, brochures, flyers, leaflets
                      differently-abled  voters  can  be  accompanied  by    and comics in Chichewa and Tumbuka languages
                      another registered voter or polling officer to cast    will be distributed through SCOs.
                      thevote. There is a provision of assigning another
                      polling station if a voter may not be present in his   Use of Loudhailers
                      registered polling station on poll day, for which the   Use of Ministry of Information and Agriculture ve-
                      voter needs to inform and get a written authoriza-     hicles with loudhailers to mobilise people to regis-
                      tion from registration officer of his constituency.    ter in all the three regions

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