P. 102

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                PArt iii                                                 4. Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  ELECtorAL sYstEM
                                                                         5. Voting Method
                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy                                 Manual marking of Ballots
                                                                         6. Voting Process
                  1. Name of the EMB(S)
                      Commission Electorale  Nationale  Indépendante-        The voting commences at 6 am and closes at 10
                      CENI    (Independent  National  Electoral  Commis-     pm. Voting is conducted by means of single bal-
                      sion)                                                  lot. The Presiding officer shows the empty ballot
                                                                             boxes  to  parties  present  and  later  closes  it  by  2
                  2. Website Address                                         locks  or  2  dissimilar  padlocks.  The  Poll  member
                                             checks the voter for marks of indelible ink to pre-
                                                                             vent duplication of vote. The voter is asked for na-
                  3. Nature of EMB                                           tional identity card and voter card to prove her/his
                      Independent                                            identity. The Polling official makes an entry in the
                                                                             electoral register after which a ballot paper is pro-
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   vided to the voter to casts her/his vote in secrecy.
                                                                             The ballot is then dropped in a ballot box. The vot-
                  5. Terms of office                                         er signs in the enrolment list and the poll member
                      5-7 Years                                              also countersigns it. The voter’s left hand thumb is
                                                                             then marked with indelible ink.
                  6. EMB Members selected by
                      Civil society, Government, Political parties       7. Voter Education system
                                                                             The  civic and  voter education campaign  for  the
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                      presidential run-off was officially launched on Oc-
                      Civil society, Government, Political parties           tober 15th 2018 in Toliara with the electoral com-
                                                                             mission  and  the  UNDP/SACEM.  The  objective  of
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB                     the campaign, which was carried out until the sec-
                      Presidential, National Assembly                        ond  presidential  run-off,  was  to  encourage  voter
                                                                             participation in the presidential elections through
                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                      LAW n ° 2015 - 020 of October 19th, 2015 relative      the  teaching  voting  procedure and  increasing
                      to the independent national structure in charge of     awareness on the importance of citizen participa-
                      the organization and the management of the elec-       tion in the vote.
                      toral operations called “Independent National Elec-    8. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
                      toral Commission”
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS

                  1. Total Population
                      Total: 27.6 Million

                  2. Registered Electors
                      Total: 10.1 Million

                  3. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                   Identity Card
                      Voter Card

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