P. 99
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
2. Website Address poll workers could verify individual registrants by SMSing the database.
3. Nature of EMB Reminders via SMS. The system sent messages to
Independent individual registrants, reminding them of voting day
and their poll location. Nationwide messages could
4. No. of Members in EMB also be sent via the system. (https://www.cak-
5. Terms of office
Not Specfied 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
6. EMB Members selected by
Legislature National Identity Card
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
Legislature 42%
6. Voting Method
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, Parliamentary, Constitutional and Manual marking of Ballots
Municipal 7. Postal Vote
Yes, by ballot paper
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
Resolution No. (8 / 2013), resolution No. (17 /2013) 8. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
9. Voter Education system for different category of
1. Total Population voters Best Practices
Total: 6.8 Million Read, audio and visual advertising materials that
are used to motivate citizens to participate in
2. Registered Electors elections or to direct them to how to participate,
1.5 Million (June, 2014) and include posters, banners, guidebooks, cards,
newspapers, audio and visual flashes and mobile
3. Method of voter registration phone messages, in addition to workshops and
Libya adopted World’s First SMS Voter Registra- educational seminars, taking into account the
tion System in 2014 elections.
standards Artistic and creative works presented in
The Libyan High National Elections Commission order to achieve awareness goals and meet stage
(HNEC) with consulting support by the United Na- requirements.
tions Support Mission in Libya received a parlia- 10. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
mentary mandate to develop a text-message or
SMS voter registration system.
Registration via SMS. Voters could register to vote
and change their registration via SMS using a short
code. Short codes are a small number of digits
rather than an entire phone number. Even during
periods when citizens could register or change
registrations in person, the election workers used
SMS to send in the changes.
Verification of registration via SMS. Election day
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