P. 111
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
4. Terms of office 15. Voter turnout in last National Elections
Full time Members 76.84%
5. EMB Members selected by 16. Voting Method
Judicial and Legal Services Commission Manual marking of Ballots
6. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority 17. Voting Process
President Each voter has to cast as many votes as the num-
ber of seats to be filled for the elections in each
7. Names of Elections conducted by EMB constituency. The three candidates who receive
National Assembly, Rodrigues Regional Assembly, the largest number of votes are declared elect-
Municipal Council, Village Council Elections ed. The Presiding Officer gives instructions to the
elector as to “how to record a valid vote” once a
8. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the
Electoral voter is handed a ballot paper. The voting booth is
Electoral Boundaries Commission (EBC) delimits prepared in a manner that it offers secrecy of vot-
the boundaries of electoral constituencies Elec- ing. The ballot paper must be folded so that the
toral Supervisory Commission (ESC) is responsi- vote is not revealed.
ble for the planning, management and supervision 18. Postal Vote
elections and referenda. Electoral Commissioner Yes
(EC) is responsible for the logistics and execution
of elections. 19. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
The petition shall be presented within 21 days or
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) in the case of Rodrigues 56 days after the date
Section 38 (2) of the Constitution of the return made by the returning officer to the
Commission of the member to whose election the
10. Electoral Process
petition relates, unless it questions the return or
election upon an allegation of illegal practice and
11. Total Population
Total: 1.3 Million (Oct., 2019) specifically alleges a payment of money or some
Male: 0.64 Million Female: 0.66 Million other act to have been made or done since the date
of such return by the member, or an agent of the
12. Registered Electors member or with the privity of the member or his
Total: 0.92 Million election agent in pursuance or in furtherance of the
illegal practice alleged in the petition, in which case
13. Method of voter registration the petition may be presented at any time within 28
Voter registration drives are executed in three days or, in the case of Rodrigues, 70 days after the
phases. Officials from the ECO register voters in date of such payment or other act
annual door-to-door visits. Thereafter a compre-
hensive network of centres is opened where voters 20. Voter Education system for different category of
may correct deficiencies that arose in the previous voters Best Practices
phase. In the final phase the register of voters is Mauritian democracy is long and well established
published. Mauritian and Commonwealth citizens and the population is educated and highly politi-
residing there for two years or more may register. cised. Consequently little need for voter education
Voters must present a national identity card or a is felt. Prior to a general election, the EC’s office
birth certificate. keeps the electorate informed of the administrative
arrangements for every registration drive through
14. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo the publication of notices in the local newspapers.
Identity Card Neither state agencies nor civil society organisa-
National Identity Card tions undertake voter education.
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