P. 416

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                AnnexURe 3
                GLOSSARY OF TERMS

                1.  Absentee voting – Another term for remote voting.     mark their preferences on the ballot paper and each
                                                                          preference marked is then assigned a value using
                2.  Additional Member System – Another term for a         equal steps. For example, in a ten-candidate field a
                   Mixed Member Proportional system.
                                                                          first preference is worth one, a second preference is
                3.  Alternative Vote (AV) – A candidate-centred,          worth 0.9 and so on, with a tenth preference worth
                   preferential plurality/majority system used in single-  0.1. These are summed and the candidate(s) with
                   member districts in which voters use numbers           the highest total(s) is/are declared elected. See also
                   to mark their preferences on the ballot paper. A       Modified Borda Count.
                   candidate who receives an absolute majority (50     10. Boundary delimitation – The process by which
                   per cent plus 1) of valid first-preference votes       a country, local authority area or area of a
                   is declared elected. If no candidate achieves an       supranational institution is divided into electoral
                   absolute majority of first preferences, the least      districts.
                   successful candidates are eliminated and their
                   votesreallocated until one candidate has an         11. Candidate-centred ballot – A form of ballot in
                   absolute majority of valid votes remaining.            which an elector chooses between candidates
                                                                          rather than between parties and political groupings.
                4.  Apparentement – A term of French origin for a
                   provision which can be included in List Proportional   12. Circonscription – The term most frequently used
                   Representation (List PR) systems which enables         for electoral district in francophone countries. See
                   two or more parties or groupings which fight           Electoral district.
                   separate campaigns to reach agreement that their
                   votes will be combined for the purpose of seat      13. Closed list – A form of List PR in which electors
                   allocation. See also Lema and Stembusaccoord.          are restricted to voting only for a party or political
                   Average district magnitude – For a country, local      grouping, and cannot express a preference for any
                   authority or supranational institution, the number of   candidate within a party list. See also Open list and
                   representatives to be elected divided by the number    Free list.
                   of electoral districts. See also District magnitude.  14. Communal roll – A register of electors for which
                                                                          the qualification for registration is a determinable
                5.  Ballotage – Another term for a two-round system,
                   used primarily in Latin America.                       criterion such as religion, ethnicity, language or
                                                                          gender. All electors who meet the criterion may be
                6.  Ballot structure –   The way in which electoral       entered in the communal roll automatically, or each
                   choices are presented on the ballot paper, in          such elector may be able to choose whether or not
                   particular whether the ballot is candidate-centred or   to be entered. This register is used for the election
                   party-centred.                                         of representatives of the group defined by the
                                                                          criterion from electoral districts specified for that
                7.  Bicameral legislature – A legislature made up of      purpose.
                   two houses, usually known as an upper house and a
                   lower house.                                        15. Compensatory seats – The List PR seats in a Mixed
                                                                          Member Proportional system which are awarded to
                8.  Block Vote (BV) – A plurality/majority system used    parties or groupings to correct disproportionality in
                   in multi-member districts in which electors have as    their representation in the results of the elections
                   many votes as there are candidates to be elected.      held under the first part of the MMP system,
                   Voting is candidatecentred. The candidates with the    normally under a plurality/majority system.
                   highest vote totals win the seats.
                                                                       16. Constituency – A synonym for electoral district
                9.  Borda Count (BC) – A candidate-centred                used predominantly in some Anglophone countries.
                   preferential system used in either single- or multi-   See Electoral district.
                   member districts in which voters use numbers to


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