P. 418

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                   simplest form of plurality/majority electoral system,   into two or more non-overlapping areas, in each of
                   using single-member districts and candidate-            which a different electoral system is used.
                   centred voting. The winning candidate is the one
                   who gains more votes than any other candidate,      42. Imperiali Quota – A variant of quota used in
                   even if this is not an absolute majority of valid votes.  proportional representation systems which use the
                                                                           Largest Remainder Method, defined as the total
                35. Free list – A form of List PR in which voters may      valid vote divided by the number of seats to be filled
                   vote for a party or grouping and in addition for        in the electoral district plus two. See also Droop
                   one or more candidates, whether or not those            Quota and Hare Quota.
                   candidates are nominated by that party or
                   grouping. Also known as panachage. See also         43. Index of disproportionality – A figure which is
                   Closed list and Open list. Gerrymandering – The         designed to measure the degree of deviation from
                   deliberate manipulation of electoral district           proportionality in the allocation of seats to parties
                   boundaries so as to\ advantage or disadvantage a        or groupings which participated in an election. It
                   particular political interest.                          is most commonly defined as the square root of
                                                                           the sum of the squares of the differences for each
                36. Hagenbach-Bischoff Quota – Another term for the        party or grouping between the percentage of votes
                   Droop Quota.                                            received and the percentage of seats gained.

                37. Hare Quota – A variant of quota used in            44. Invalid votes – Votes which cannot be counted
                   proportional representation systems which use the       in favour of any participant in an election due to
                   Largest Remainder Method, defined as the total          accidental or deliberate errors of marking by the voter.
                   valid vote divided by the number of seats to be filled
                   in the electoral district. See Quota (a). Also known   45. Largest Remainder Method – A principle for
                   as Hare-Niemeyer. See also Droop Quota and              converting votes into seats in List PR systems.
                   Imperiali Quota.                                        After parties and groupings have been allocated
                                                                           seats in an electoral district because they have
                38. Heterogeneous district – An electoral district         received full quotas (a) of votes, some seats will
                   in which, either by design or as a result of the        be unfilled, and some votes remain—for each
                   operation of other criteria for boundary delimitation,   party, less than a full quota (a). The remaining
                   the electorate manifests social, ethnic, religious or   seats are then awarded to parties and groupings
                   linguistic diversity.                                   in order of the number of left-over votes
                                                                           they possess. The Largest Remainder Method
                39. Highest Average Method – A principle for               tends to be more favourable to smaller parties
                   converting votes into seats in List PR systems. One     than the alternative approach, the Highest
                   seat is allocated in a district at each of a series of   Average Method.
                   counts to the party or grouping with the highest
                   vote total. When a seat is allocated, the original vote   46. Lema – A term used in Latin America for an
                   of the party that wins it is reduced by division. The   umbrella list including two or more sublists
                   most common series of divisors used are D’Hondt         which receive votes separately but whose votes
                   and Sainte-Laguë. The Highest Average Method            are counted together for the purposes of seat
                   tends to be more favourable to larger parties than its   allocation in some List PR systems. See also
                   alternative, the Largest Remainder Method.              Apparentement and Stembusaccoord.

                40. Homogeneous district – An electoral district       47. Limited Vote (LV) – An electoral system used in
                   in which, either by design or as a result of the        multi-member districts in which electors have
                   operation of other criteria for boundary delimitation,   more than one vote, but fewer votes than there are
                   the electorate manifests substantial social, ethnic,    candidates to be elected. The candidates with the
                   religious or linguistic uniformity.                     highest vote totals win the seats, in the same way
                                                                           as in a Block Vote system and in SNTV.
                41. Hybrid System – The result of dividing a country


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