P. 420

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                   usually one plurality/majority system and one          major types of PR system, List PR and the Single
                   proportional representation system, but where no       Transferable Vote (STV).
                   account is taken of the seats allocated under the
                   first system in calculating the results in the second   70. Quota – May have one of two distinct meanings:
                   system. See also Mixed-Member Proportional.              a.  The number of votes which guarantees a party
                                                                              or candidate to win one seat in a particular
                63. Party Block Vote (PBV) – A plurality/majority             electoral district in a proportional representation
                   system using multi-member districts in which               system. There are three variants in common
                   voters cast a single party-centred vote for a party        use, the Hare, Droop (or Hagenbach-Bischoff )
                   of choice, and do not choose between candidates.           and Imperiali quotas.
                   The party with most votes will win every seat in the     b.  A number of seats in an elected body or a
                   electoral district.
                                                                              proportion of candidates nominated by a party
                64. Party-centred ballot – A form of ballot in which a        or grouping which are required by law to be filled
                   voter chooses between parties or groupings, rather         by representatives of a particular kind; most
                   than individual candidates.                                commonly used to ensure the nomination and
                                                                              election of a minimum number of women.
                65. Party magnitude – For an electoral district, the
                   average number of representatives  elected by each   71. Regional fiefdom – A situation in which one party
                   party and grouping. For a country, the average of the   wins all, or nearly all, of the seats in a particular
                   party magnitudes for all electoral districts.          geographic region of a country.
                66. Personation – The fraudulent casting of the vote of   72. Remote voting – A mechanism by which voters
                   a registered elector by another person.                are enabled to cast a vote which does not involve
                                                                          their attendance at a polling station on the day
                67. Plurality/majority systems – Plurality/majority       or days fixed for voting. See also Out-of-country
                   systems are based on the principle that a              voting.
                   candidate(s) or party with a plurality of votes (i.e.
                   more than any other) or a majority of votes (i.e.   73. Reserved seats – Seats in which a determinable
                   50 per cent plus one—an absolute majority) is/         criterion such as religion, ethnicity, language or
                   are declared the winner(s). Such a system may          gender is a requirement for nomination or election.
                   use single-member districts—for example, First      74. Riding – A synonym for electoral district used in
                   Past The Post, Alternative Vote or the Two-Round       some countries. See Electoral district.
                   System—or multi-member districts—for example,
                   the Block Vote and Party Block Vote.                75. Sainte-Laguë Formula – one of the options for
                                                                          the series of divisors used to distribute seats in
                68. Preferential voting systems – Electoral systems       List PR systems which adopt the Highest Average
                   in which voters rank parties or candidates on the      Method. The votes of a party or grouping are divided
                   ballot paper in order of their choice. The Alternative   successively by 1, 3, 5... as seats are allocated to it.
                   Vote, the Borda Count, the Single Transferable Vote    See also D’Hondt Formula.
                   and the Supplementary Vote are all examples of
                   preferential voting systems.                        76. Single-member district – An electoral district from
                                                                          which only one member is electedto a legislature or
                69. Proportional Representation (PR) – An electoral       elected body. See also Multi-member district.
                   system family based on the principle of  the
                   conscious translation of the overall votes of a party   77. Single Non-Transferable Vote (SNTV) – An
                   or grouping into a corresponding proportion of seats   electoral system in which voters cast a single
                   in an elected body. For example, a party which wins    candidate-centred vote for one candidate in a multi-
                   30 per cent of the votes will receive approximately    member district. The candidates with the highest
                   30 per cent of the seats. All PR systems require       vote totals are declared elected.
                   the use of multi-member districts. There are two


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