P. 412
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
S. Country Body System Seats per District Total seats Threshold
President Two Round System
93 Timor Leste
National Parliament Closed List PR 65
House of Closed-List Proportional
94 Thailand 150/1 500
Representatives Representation
President Two-round system
95 Togo National Assembly of
Togo Closed list Proportional System 91
96 Tonga Legislative Assembly FPTP Upto 30 seats
Trinidad and House of
97 FPTP 1 41
Tobago Representatives
President Two-round system
98 Tunisia Assembly of the Party-list PR: Closed list: Largest 4-10 (Seats in Tunisia),
Representatives of the 1-5 (Seats for Tunisians 217
People remainder method (Hare Quota) abroad)
President Two-round system
99 Turkey Grand National
Assembly Proportional Representation 1-35 600 10%
President FPTP
100 Uganda
National Assembly FPTP 1 426
Two-round system if a candidate
President can not capture more than 50% of
101 Ukraine the vote in the first round.
VerkhovnaRada Proportional Representation 225 / 1 450 5%
President Two-round system
Absolute Majority Vote in Single
102 Uzbekistan Legislative Chamber 150
member Constituency
Senate regional governing councils 100
103 Vanuatu Parliament SNTV 52
President FPTP
110 members are elected through
vote 52 members are elected by
104 Venezuela proportional
National Assembly 165
representation while 3 seats are
reserved for
indigenous people in the
(National Assembly)
President Two-round system
105 Yemen Assembly of
Representatives FPTP 1 301
President FPTP
106 Zambia
National Assembly FPTP 1 156
00 A-WEB Book-1.indb 392 18-09-2020 15:43:28