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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
officer has the option to extend the hours of because they help determine the scope of the
polling if there are voters waiting to vote. The programs, clarify the contents of messages,
presiding officer consults with polling clerks and define the timing and duration of the efforts,
candidate agents at least half an hour prior, in identify appropriate strategies and, not least, to
making a decision to extend the hours of polling. determine who should be involved in efforts to
promote them.
Voter Education
Elections require citizens to participate in the It is often assumed that the responsibility for
electoral process and to make an informed informing, motivating and educating voters is the
decision when voting. Elections imply decision- sole responsibility of the electoral authorities.
making, and democracy implies actively In this debate, only one thing is the subject of
participating. Decision-making and active almost complete agreement: development of
participation are based on information, skills, voter information messages is the exclusive
values and practices, which have to be provided responsibility of the electoral authorities. What is
to the entire voter population. Voter information, required is the production and delivery of official
awareness and education campaigns provide messages, bearing the stamp of the authorities.
voters with the knowledge, skills and values to do The extent to which an electoral authority moves
this. beyond basic voter information into the realm
of awareness and education is determined by
There is, however, a common misunderstanding their legal mandate and the operational capacity
regarding use of the terms voter information, and available resources to become involved and,
voter awareness and voter education. While these therefore, the situation differs in each country. In
concepts are inter-related and complementary some countries, the electoral management body
(and can occasionally overlap), they need to be (EMB) is mandated to conduct not only voter
distinct when designing specific activities and awareness activities but also voter education;
programs to avoid confusion and ambiguities. in others the EMBs are limited to provide voter
There are crucial differences between these information within very restricted guidelines. In
concepts and their application: (a) voter many countries, voter education is an integral
information enables eligible citizens to vote, part of broader civic education programs, with or
including basic facts about the elections and without the active participation of the electoral
voting; (b) voter awareness addresses voters’ authorities.
motivation and preparedness to participate fully
in elections and aims to increase trust in the As mentioned, in Vanuatu the electoral law
electoral process. This includes the secrecy of the mandates the VEO to provide information
ballot, the value of each vote, freedom of choice to voters and the public in general. While
and the impact of voting on public accountability; developing the contents of voter information
(c) voter education refers to a longer-term is the responsibility of the EC and VEO, they
pedagogical process involving more complex can be supported in the transmission of those
information, including why the electoral process is messages by various stakeholders, always under
important and necessary, the link between human the oversight of the electoral authorities to avoid
rights and voting rights, the relationship between misinformation and misunderstandings.
elections and democracy and the conditions
necessary for democratic elections. Such The EC and VEO recognize that voter information
concepts involve explanation, not just a statement and awareness should target all possible
of facts. electors, and many of its activities are conceived
in this light. Nevertheless, they are also aware
The distinction between these concepts is not that certain groups of population, which have
merely “academic”: they are essential when traditionally been marginalized voters, require
deciding on concrete actions and programs, specific information and awareness efforts, in
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