P. 324

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   Registration on the Roll is open to Tongans 21
                      3                                                      years of age or older and is mandatory!

                  5. Terms of office                                     3. Method of voter registration
                      5 years                                                All permanent residents/citizens over the age of
                                                                             14 in Tonga are eligible to register for an ID card.
                  6. EMB Members selected by
                      King; EMB                                          4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo Identity
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                      When voting, Electors prove their identity by
                      Appointments for Chairman and 1 Commissioner           showing to the Polling Staff on duty at a Polling
                      are made by the King. The third Commissioner is        Station either a Tongan National ID Card or a
                      an ex officio appointment of an official known as      Tongan Passport. Both contain a photograph.
                      the Supervisor of Elections.
                                                                         5. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB                   Percentage
                      The Commission is responsible for ALL                  At the 2017 National Elections turnout was 67%;
                      Parliamentary and “Local Government” elections         and at the 2019 “Local Government” Elections the
                      and by- elections. In Tonga “Local Government”         turnout was 57% overall.
                      means the 4 yearly election of District and Town
                      Officers.                                          6. Voting Method
                                                                             Manual marking of Ballots
                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                     All of the following (as amended to date) :-        7. Audit Trail
                      Act of Constitution of Tonga                          After an election (or by- election) the following
                                                                             audit procedures are carried out:-
                      Electoral Act 1989
                                                                             Audit of candidates election income and
                      Electoral Commission Act 2010                           expenditure
                      Legislative Assembly Act                              Follow up checks on electors who presented no

                      District and Town Officers Act                          valid photo ID when voting
                      District and Town Officers (Election)                 Investigation of all Complaints received (if any)
                        Regulations 2019                                     Review of whole election management process.

                      Electoral Regulations 2010 [now out of date;      8. Voting Process
                        being redrafted]                                     On polling day an elector will, from the list of

                      Electoral (Elections of Representatives of the        candidates on the ballot paper, choose ONE and
                        Nobles Regulations 2017)                             only one by placing a tick (images) in the circle
                                                                             opposite the candidate of your choice.
                      Elector Petition Rules 2016- being Rules of the
                        Supreme Court.                                      1.  The ballot paper shall be in the general form of
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                          form 5 of the Schedule hereto and shall show
                                                                               on the face of it the names and addresses of
                  1. Total Population as on                                    the candidates.
                      0.1 Million (Feb. 2019)
                                                                            2.  After checking against the final roll that the
                  2. Registered Electors as on                                 elector is entitled to vote the returning officer
                      The Population of Tonga (2016 census) is                 shall cross out the elector’s name on the roll,
                      105,982; the number of Electors registered on the        initial at the back of the ballot paper and then
                      Electoral Roll (December 2019) is 59, 561; and           hand the ballot paper to him.

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