P. 320

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  5. Terms of office                                         Section 100 of the Law, forward to an elector
                      6 years                                                who has applied for postal vote certificate and
                                                                             postal ballot-paper a candidate poster where the
                  6. EMB Members selected by Governor-General                Returning Officer considers that the electoris not
                                                                             familiar with the candidate names or codes.
                  7. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      Parliamentary election                                 (2) The Electoral Commission may publish
                                                                             candidate posters on the internet on itswebsite
                  8. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the              for voters living abroad to consult.
                   Electoral Process in the country
                      No                                                     (3) A postal vote certificate and declaration by an
                                                                             elector is to be in Form 6.
                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation (s)
                      Electoral Law Regulation 2007                      8. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education

                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS

                  1. Total Population as on
                      8 Million (Feb. 2019)

                  2. Registered Electors

                  3. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,

                  4. Voting Method
                      Manual marking of Ballots

                  5. Audit Trail
                      Not implemented
                  6. Voting Process
                      Until the 2002 national elections, Papua New
                      Guinea was following First-Past-The-Post
                      system but later the National Parliament made
                      amendments in Organic Law on National and
                      Local Level Government Elections and introduced
                      Limited Preferential Voting in only National
                      Elections according to which the winner must     (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
                      have the absolute majority (50%+1). On polling
                      day, a voter has three options to mark as per      1. Last Election Dates
                      her/his preference by placing the number ‘1’ as        24 June 2017
                      first preference, ‘2’as second preference and ‘3’
                      as third preference. The Ballot paper must have     2. Future Election Date
                      initials of the Presiding Officer before marking and   July 2022
                      dropping it in a ballot box.                       3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
                  7. Postal Vote
                      (1) A Returning Officer may, together with a       4. Compulsory Voting
                      postal vote certificate and a ballot-paperunder        No

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