P. 315
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
The National Electoral Education Centre in (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
Canberra offers education programs about the
federal electoral system. Located in the heart of Last Election Dates
Canberra’s parliamentary triangle, the National 18 May 2019
Electoral Education Centre is a ‘must see’
destination for Civics and Citizenship education. Future Election Date
The centre is open weekdays throughout the Before 3 September 2022
school year and programs are free, however Advance Voting
bookings are essential. Available as per legislation, to eligible voters from
DeMocRAcY RULes three weeks before election date.
Compulsory Voting
An enquiry-based electoral education resource
including a detailed teaching guide, online Yes
interactives and printable activities for students.
Democracy Rules is relevant across the
curriculum and particularly the Australian
Curriculum for Civics and Citizenship, Australian
Politics and History, Indigenous Studies and
Studies of Australia and the Asia Pacific. It
provides background knowledge to enable
teachers to confidently lead students in electoral
MAkInG A nAtIon
The development of Australia’s Self-Governance
and Democracy
These modules are designed to help students
achieve the requirements of the Australian
Curriculum: History at Year 9 and 10 levels about
key features of Australia’s democratic system.
Students work through a range of evidence in
practical and self-contained classroom-friendly
activities to develop their own knowledge and
understanding of these features.
In doing so they also develop a range of historical
skills specified in the curriculum.
teAcHeR ResoURces
Teacher professional learning workshops,
classrooms activities and other useful information
about the electoral system.
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