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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                part iii                                                     When voting for the Senate, a voter must choose
                                                                             one of the two options: ‘above the line’ (ATL) vote
                  ELECtorAL sYstEM                                           or ‘below the line’ (BTL) vote. If voting ATL, the
                                                                             voter must number at least 6 boxes in order of
                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy                                 preference for parties or groups, where number
                                                                             1 is their first preference. If voting BTL, the voter
                Name of the EMB                                              must number at least 12 boxes of individual
                      Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)                  candidates in order of preference, where number
                                                                             1 is their first preference. The ballot is then put in
                Website Address                                              a ballot box.
                                                                             When voting for the House of Representatives,
                Nature of EMB                                                a voter must number every box in order of
                                                                             preference, where number 1 is their first
                No. of Members in EMB                                        preference.
                                                                             Blind and low vision voters are able to cast their
                Terms of office                                              vote via telephone from a location of their choice.
                      5 year term
                                                                       Postal Vote Describe the system whether Electronic/
                Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                         Semi-electronic
                      Governor-General                                       Not electronic, postal votes are distributed via
                Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      Federal Parliamentary election                   How to vote by post
                                                                             Online application via the AEC website, or by
                Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                           completing a postal vote application form
                      COMMONWEALTH ELECTORAL ACT 1918                        available from AEC offices at election time.

                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                  Voter Education system for different category of
                                                                           voters Best Practices
                Total Population as on                                       The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
                      25.5 Million (Feb. 2019)                               delivers the franchise: an Australian citizen’s

                Registered Electors as on                                    right to vote. It conducts federal elections and
                      16.42 Million (May 2019)                               referendums and maintains the Commonwealth
                                                                             electoral roll. The AEC also informs Australians
                Method of voter registration                                 about enrolling and voting.
                      Enrolment form completed online or on paper at
                      AEC office                                             Get VotInG

                Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,             Get Voting is everything you need to run a free
                   Percentage                                                and fair election for your class or school.
                      92% (May 2019)                                         1.  Get started (Planning and nomination)

                Voting Method                                                2.  Get organized (Pre-election preparation)
                      Manual marking of ballot paper                         3.  Get informed (Voter education and campaigns)
                Voting Process                                               4.  Get voting (Election day)
                      In an Australian federal election two ballot papers    5.  Get results (Counting and announcement)
                      are used: white for the Senate and green for the
                      House of Representatives.

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