P. 325
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. The elector shall retire to a voting cubicle or part iV
some private space in the voting area and mark
his ballot paper by placing a mark (images) in sUPPLEMENtArY
the spaces beside the name of his/her preferred iNforMAtioN
candidate. Provided that no ballot paper shall
be rejected as invalid if it clearly indicates the 1. Legislative System:
candidate or candidates for whom the elector The term of office is 4 years and the current
intended to vote, whether that indication is Parliament is in office 2017- 2023. Also, it is not
made in the manner prescribed by this section only hereditary nobles who vote for the 9 nobles’
or otherwise.
representatives but ALL NOBLES
4. After marking his ballot paper the elector shall
fold the paper and deposit it in the ballot box. (HEREDITARY and LIFE). Since 2010 Tonga has
had a small number of life peers: “peers” is a
5. Subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply to synonym for “nobles”.
nobles’ elections
2. Identity of voter:
9. Postal Vote
1. An elector residing temporarily in an electoral If the returning officer: is in doubt whether an
district other than that inwhich he is registered elector is the person whom herepresents to be,
may vote at an election relating to the district the returning officer may require the elector —
inwhich he is registered, on proof that he is so (a) to take the oath set out in Form 6 of the
registered. Schedule; and
(b) to place his thumb prints on the ballot paper
2. The returning officer of the district in which
such an elector is temporarilyresident shall and the oath form, andany person refusing
accept such vote on the elector submitting to shall not be allowed to vote.
him acertificate in Form 2 of the Schedule and
taking oath before the returningofficer that he is
the person described therein. Upon acceptance
of suchvote the returning officer shall post it by
registered post to the chiefreturning officer of
the district wherein the elector is registered as
soon as may be practicable.
1. Last Election Dates
Last National Elections: 16th November 2017.
2. Last Local Elections:
30th May 2019
3. Future Election Date
National Elections due in October/November 2021
Local Elections due in May 2023.
4. Compulsory Voting
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