P. 327

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  3. Nature of EMB                                           a valid birth certificate. One of the two witnesses
                      Independent                                            must be from a different household but from the
                                                                             same polling district, preferably a neighbor. There
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   is no fee for registering as a voter.
                                                                             Voters are registered to vote at a designated
                  5. Terms of office                                         polling station, closest to their place of residence.
                      7 years                                                If voters change their residence and their new
                                                                             address corresponds to a different polling station
                  6. EMB Members selected by
                      Legislature                                            (even if it is within the same constituency), the
                                                                             voter then needs to re-register.
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                      EMB                                                    Once registered, the applicant will be provided
                                                                             with a voter card. The voter cards, issued by the
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB                     VEO, are blue for rural areas and red for urban
                     Luganville Election                                     areas, in the form of a paper booklet. The voter
                                                                             card has an ID number which is a row and sheet
                     Sanma Provincial Elections
                                                                             number. In order to vote, the voter needs to
                     National Referendum                                     present the voter card at the allocated polling
                     General Elections                                       station, with no exceptions allowed.
                     2019 Efate Rural By-Elections                           Voters who have misplaced their cards will be
                                                                             able to have them replaced (“duplicates”), for a
                  9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                      Representation of the People Act 1982                  200 vatu fee, according to established schedules
                                                                             set by the registration officers; at headquarters,
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        issuing of replacements (“duplicates”) is a
                                                                             continuous process, but it stops two weeks before
                  1. Total Population as on                                  polling day.
                      0.28 Million (Feb. 2019)
                                                                             Anyone who believes they should be allowed to
                  2. Registered Electors as on                               vote and whose name is not on the voters list can
                      0.27 Million (May 2020)                                ask the PEO to review their information. If they
                                                                             are still not happy with the PEO’s decision, they
                  3. Method of voter registration                            can appeal to the EC. The EC’s decision cannot be
                      Upon arrival to the registration center, applicants    appealed to any other body.
                      are given a registration form, which must be duly
                      filled out. All applicants must show their valid     4. Voter Id Card
                      birth certificate; without a birth certificate it is not   Electoral card
                      possible to be registered as a voter (if an applicant
                      doesn’t have a birth certificate, they must apply
                      for one at the corresponding Civil Registry office).
                      If the applicant has been registered before as a
                      voter and wants to register again (maybe because
                      the voter card has been stamped in all spaces or
                      because the voter wants to change his/her polling
                      station), the old card must be presented and
                      handed over to the VEO. Everyone must include in
                      their forms two witnesses who reside in the same
                      residential area as themselves, and who also have

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