P. 334

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  5. EMB Members selected by                             4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo Identity
                      Legislature                                          Card
                                                                             Identity document (Letërnjoftimi)
                  6. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority

                  7. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      Assembly Elections, Local Elections, Partial Elec-

                  8. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                      THE  ELECTORAL  CODE  OF  THE  REPUBLIC  OF
                      ALBANIA (Approved by Law no. 10 019, dated 29
                      December  2008,  amended  by  Law  no.  74/2012,
                      dated 19 July 2012 and Law no. 31/2015, dated      5. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
                      2 April 2015)                                        Percentage
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
                                                                         6. Voting Method
                  1. Total Population as on                                  Manual marking of Ballot papers
                      2.9 Million(Feb. 2019)
                                                                         7. Audit Trail
                  2. Registered Electors as on Male Female                   Not Implemented
                      3.4 Million(July 2017)
                                                                         8. Voting Process
                  3. Method of voter registration                            Upon  entering  the  polling  station,  a  voter  is  re-
                     1.  A  voter  is  identified  in  the  NCSR  through  the   quired  to  present  her/his  relevant  documents  of
                        electoral  components.  Electoral components         identification  to  the  election  officials.  On  confir-
                        consist of the following civil status components:    mation, the left hand of the voter is marked with a
                                                                             special ink, which is indelible for at least 24 hours.
                        a)  first name;                                      This is to ensure that a voter does not cast her/
                        b)  father’s name;                                   his vote more than once. The voter is then handed
                                                                             over a ballot paper and is directed towards a voting
                        c)  mother’s name;                                   booth. Alone in the booth, the voter marks on the
                                                                             ballot paper, with the sign ‘x’ or ‘+’ or another sign
                        ç)  surname;
                                                                             that clearly indicates the voter’s choice, next to the
                        d)  date of birth;                                   name  of  her/his  choice  of  candidate/party.  The
                                                                             voter then deposits the ballot paper in a ballot box.
                        dh) personal identification number;
                                                                             In 2012, major political parties of Albania decided
                        e)   citizenship;
                                                                             to implement a pilot project for electronic voting
                        ë)   code of domicile;                               in elections in Tirana and Fier cities in 2013. The
                                                                             project, however, failed to take off. More recently,
                        f)   gender.                                         the Democratic Party in opposition has demanded

                     2. The electoral components established in letters      electronic voting in the June 2017 elections for it to
                        “a”, “b”, “c”, “ç”, “d” and “ë” are published in com-  be free and fair.
                        pliance with articles 51 and 56 of this Code. The
                        list used by the VCC during the voting process     9. Voter education
                        contains the components specified under letters     1. training
                        “a”, “ç”, “d”, “dh” and “f” of point 1 of this article.  2. education

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