P. 338
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. Nature of EMB the elections, the paper copies of voter lists are
Independent returned to the local executive committees. The
law does not provide a possibility for cross-check-
4. No. of Members in EMB ing against duplicate registrations before or on
12 election day, resulting in inadequate safeguards
against multiple voting.
5. Terms of office
5 years 4. Voter turnout in last National Elections:
6. EMB Members selected by
President, Legislature 5. Voting Method
Ballot papers
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
President 6. Audit Trail
Not implemented
8. Appointment Authority of Members
President in agreement with the legislature 7. Voting Process
Voters mark the ballot paper secretly in a specified
9. Names of Elections conducted by EMB room by putting any sign next to the name of their
Elections of the President of the Republic of Belar- choice of candidate. They then put the paper in a
us, deputies of the House of Representatives and ballot box.
members of the Council of the Republic, deputies In Belarus, voters have to be at least 18 years old to
of local Councils of Deputies. participate in the parliamentary elections.
10. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the However, citizens who are declared legally incapa-
Electoral Process in the country ble by court or are serving prison sentence have
No no right to vote. For people unable to visit polling
stations on the Election Day, due to health or oth-
11. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) er valid reasons, the precinct election commission
THE ELECTORAL CODE OF THE REPUBLIC OF authorizes its members to organize voting at the
BELARUS February 11, 2000, No. 370-Z place of residence of these persons
1. Total Population as on
9.4 Million (Feb. 2019)
2. Registered Electors as on Male Female
6.9 Million (Sept 2016)
3. Method of voter registration
Voter registration is passive and decentralized.
Voter lists are compiled by local executive com-
mittees and sent to the respective PECs. PECs are
responsible for verifying and updating voter lists,
including through door-to-door checks, but no
information about these updates was publicized.
Voters could be added to lists by the PECs prior
to and on election day, by providing proof of res-
idence, contrary to international standards. After
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