P. 337


                                  H.E. Lidia Ermoshina, Chairperson, The Central Commission of The
                                   Republic of Belarus on Elections & Holding Republican Refrenda

                part i                                                 part ii
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                        LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  1. Country Name                                      LEGISLATURE
                                                                         1. Structure of National Legislature
                  2. Official Name                                           Bicameral
                      Respublika Belarus (Republic of Belarus)
                                                                         2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  3. Government                                              Council of the Republic - The upper house House
                      Republic, Presidential system                          of Representatives - The lower house

                  4. Head of the Government                              3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
                      Prime Minister – Syarhey Rumas                       nominated
                                                                             56 members of the Soviet Respubliki (Council of
                  5. Head of the State                                       the  Republic)  are  elected  by  regional  governing
                      President – Alexander Lukashenko                       councils  while  8  members  are  appointed  by  the
                                                                             president. 110 members of the Palata Predstavi-
                  6. Capital                                                 teley (Chamber of Representatives) are elected by
                                                                             absolute majority vote
                  7. Currency                                            4. Popular House
                      Albanian lek
                                                                             Palata Predstaviteley
                  8. Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                5. Type of Electoral System
                      Belarusian  83.7%,  Russian  8.3%,  Polish  3.1%,      Two-round system
                      Ukrainian 1.7%, other 2.4%, unspecified 0.9% (2009
                      est.)                                            part iii

                  9. Date of Independence and from which Country         ELECtorAL sYstEM
                      25 August 1991 (from the Soviet Union)
                10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution        (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                      Adopted in 1994
                                                                         1. Name of the EMB(S)
                11. Language (s)                                             The Central Commission of The Republic of Belar-
                      Russian (official) 70.2%, Belarusian (official) 23.4%  us on Elections & Holding Republican Refrenda

                12. Literacy Levels                                      2. Website Address

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  EU-2  317

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