Page 125 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
P. 125
3.12. Parties, coalitions and candidates shall wear disposable gloves when distributing election campaign
3.13. In case of distribution of printed election campaign materials to households, they shall be left outside the
door without contact with family members.
3.14. During the election campaign, the candidate shall keep a record of the meeting place, time, number of
participants and the route of the campaign. in the form of a picture or a memoir document and, if necessary,
provide this information to the competent authorities.
3.15. It is prohibited for persons under the age of 18 to participate in election campaign meetings and events.
3.16. Meetings and conferences. After the meeting, used masks and other waste should be collected, sealed and
disposed of at an approved landfill.
Four. Prevention of infection in the polling stations of parties, coalitions and candidates
4.1. It is forbidden to enter the agitation center without a mask, and everyone who works in it must wear a mask.
Citizens who do not wear masks shall be provided with a number of masks, and masks shall not be used for
advertising purposes.
4.2. Upon entering the agitation site, the body temperature should be measured and the hands should be
disinfected with an alcohol-based solution.
4.3. Body temperature of agitation staff shall be measured and recorded at least twice a day.
4.4. 1.5-2 meters between swans in the agitation area. Citizens communicate from a distance without physical
contact (shaking hands, hugging, kissing).
4.5. The agitation building must be equipped with chairs that allow people to sit. The distance between the
chairs should not be less than 1.5 meters.
4.6. Wet clean the agitation site every 2 hours. Ventilate for at least 10 minutes every 30 minutes. Regularly
clean the outside of the agitation building.
4.7. People working in the agitation center wear disposable gloves.
4.8. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed in the agitation center.
4.9. Used masks, gloves and other waste should be collected, sealed and disposed of in an approved landfill.
Five. Parties and coalitions, candidate rights, duty
5.1. Parties, coalitions and candidates have the following rights:
5.1.1. to receive information and advice from the competent authorities on measures to prevent and enforce the
spread of the coronavirus infection (KOVID-19);
5.1.2. to cooperate with authorized organizations within the framework of relevant legislation;
5.1 .З. Recommendations to the competent authorities for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection
(KOVID-19). make a request and resolve it.
5.2. Parties. Coalitions and candidates have the following responsibilities:
5.2.1. Procedures issued by professional organizations to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (KOVID-19)
during election campaigns. instructions and recommendations. to comply with the warning;
5.2.2. agitation center. meeting. to appoint and employ staff to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection
(KOVID-19) during the campaign;
5.2.3. be responsible for the spread of coronavirus infection (KOVID-19) in connection with the prevention of the
Six. Prevention of infection during polling in sealed ballot boxes
6.1. An employee of a polling station committee in the process of polling voters from a sealed ballot box
specified in Article 63.1 of the Law on Elections to the State Great Hural of Mongolia. observers and police
officers will be present.
6.2. The distance between participants in the voting process is 1.5-2 meters
6.3. A polling station staff member will be in charge of hand sanitizer. Participants’ hands will be disinfected
before and after polling.
Translation of the original script