Page 130 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
P. 130


                                  Message from the State Election Commission

                                   Distinguished members of the election bodies,

                                   The  commitment  of  the  State  Election  Commission  is  to
                                    implement fair and democratic elections. This time we have
                                    an additional task, and that is to fi  ght and succeed together

                                    and  to  conduct  these  elections  in  a  fair  and  democratic
                                    atmosphere, and to preserve the health of all who will be
                                     involved in the election process, yours as members election
                                     bodies,  voters  and  all  other  stakeholders  of  the  election
                                     process, and we can only do that if we strictly adhere to
                                     the  rules  provided  in  the  Health  election  implementation
                                      protocol  and  bylaws  of  The  State  Election  Commission,

                                      where the rules are clearly stated regarding the procedures
                                      in the election process and security measures for protection
                                      against  Covid-19.This  special  section  of  the  manual  is
                                      intended to help you in its entirety to carry out your activities
                                       related  to  the  election  process,  but  above  all  to  properly
                                       observe the prescribed measures in accordance The health
                                       protocol for the elections .With your professional work, with
                                       the observance of all legal and bylaws, as well as compliance
                                        with security measures, all together we will contribute to a

                                        fair, democratic and secure election process.

                                        Respect safety precautions, because health is paramount.

                                         State Election K.

                      COVID-19 Safety Measures prescribed by the Election
                      Management Body

                      The  EMB  prescribed  a  series  of  measures  for  protecting  the  voters  and  other  stakeholders  from
                      COVID-19 pandemic under the specially drafted ‘Manual for Education of the Election Bodies’. Extract
                      for some of the important for activities from the election process related to security measures provided
                      in health protocol  are as follows:
                        •   On Election Day, before the start of voting, every polling station was cleaned and disinfected.
                           Posters for both voter education and protection were displayed at each polling station.
                        •   Voters were required to maintain a distance of 1.5 to 2 meters from one another during the entire
                           process. Every voter must wear a mask or scarf on his or her face and disinfect hands at the
                           entrance as well as at the exit.
                        •   During the identification process, after providing their personal document for identification (ID or
                           passport), voters must briefly take off their mask to identify themselves.
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