P. 388

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                IFES is a non-governmental organization; registered as a   distinguished International Advisory Board, the Electoral
                501(c)(3) in the United States.                        Integrity Project produces innovative and policy-relevant
                                                                       research comparing  elections  worldwide.  The  research
                IFES founded by F. Clifton White on September 19, 1987   team is based at the University of Sydney and Harvard
                as  a  response  to  Ronald  Reagan’s  1982  Westminster   University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
                speech in which he stressed the importance of promot-
                ing democracy. IFES was established along with other or-
                ganizations focusing on democracy promotion, including
                the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the Na-    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
                tional Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI),   Since  its  inception  in  mid-2012,  the  Electoral  Integrity
                and the International Republican Institute (IRI), all estab-  Project has focused upon three issues:
                lished in 1983.
                                                                             When do elections meet international standards
                Vision: Our vision is a world in which strong democratic       of electoral integrity?
                institutions empower citizens to have a voice in the way
                they are governed.                                           What happens when elections fail to do so?
                                                                             And what can be done to mitigate these
                Mission: The International Foundation for Electoral Sys-       problems?
                tems (IFES) supports citizens’ right to participate in free
                and  fair  elections.  Our  independent  expertise  strength-  EIP has sought to produce innovative and policy-relevant
                ens electoral systems and builds local capacity to deliver   scientific research that achieves international standing in
                sustainable solutions.                                 the social sciences and leads to a significant advance-
                                                                       ment of capabilities and knowledge about elections, de-
                As the global leader in democracy promotion, we advance   mocracy, and autocracy.
                good governance and democratic rights by:

                      Providing technical assistance to election
                      Empowering the underrepresented to
                        participate in the political process
                      Applying field-based research to improve the    ELECTORAL INSTITUTE FOR
                        electoral cycle                                SUSTAINABLE DEMOCRACy IN AFRICA

                Since 1987, IFES has worked in over 145 countries – from   EISA is a not for profit organisation established in 1996
                developing democracies, to mature democracies.         based in Johannesburg (South Africa) with field offices

                                                                       across the continent.

                                                                       An  African  continent  where  democratic  governance,
                                                                       human  rights  and  citizen  participation  are  upheld  in  a
                                                                       peaceful environment.

                                                                       Mission statement
                THE ELECTORAL INTEGRITy PROJECT                        EISA strives for excellence in the promotion of credible
                                                                       elections, citizen participation, and strong political insti-
                The Electoral Integrity Project is an independent academ-  tutions for sustainable democracy in Africa.
                ic project based at Harvard University and the University
                of Sydney.                                             EISA  visel’excellence  dans  la  promotion  des  élection-
                                                                       scrédibles, la participation citoyenne et le renforcement
                Under  the  direction  of  Professor  Pippa  Norris  and  the   des institutions pour unedémocratie durable en Afrique.


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