P. 390
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
In order to package and produce democracy, certain pre- to educate, promote and sustain excellence through re-
requisites must exist; the producers must understand spect of key values and principles of a decent and credi-
the value of democracy; as a vital tool to human devel- ble democracy.
opment, in a manner that makes them sincerely believe
that without democracy their lives have no meaning, are In addressing the mission:
incomplete and valueless.
1. Identify and equip the right people to do the job
for the good of everyone.
“CDES relies mainly on the BRIDGE curriculum and 2. Create a fraternity of elections experts in
methodology to achieve its training objectives. solidarity with one another in the business of
Other study materials come from the ACE Electoral importing and exporting elections expertise
Knowledge Network, country specific materials anywhere in the world.
such as the legal and administrative frameworks,
materials developed over experiences and lessons 3. Focus on democracy, governance and
learnt, workshops, conferences, seminars, research, elections – in establishing a sustainable human
etc.” resource base for professionals in the career of
democracy, human right and elections.
What CDES Does 4. Enable professionals who believe in
Meeting of CDES Cameroon field staff The centre’s main accountable and credible elections and who
areas of concern are limited to; take responsibility to ensure they realize their
beliefs and dreams for their institutions.
1. Promoting public understanding of the
different electoral systems and processes
through stakeholder meetings, workshops and PARTNERS OF CDES
2. Nurturing and sustaining electoral leadership,
democracy and good governance by
establishing avenues for exchange of
information and experiences among experts;
3. Promoting professionalism, integrity and
excellence in the management of elections,
democracy and governance processes among
4. Creating a pool of professionals and experts in
the field of elections in Cameroon and facilitate
their interactions and communication globally;
5. Conducting comparative analysis with the aim
of advocating for reforms;
6. Inculcating in citizens the need to take
responsibility by participating in the public life
of the state through a series of sensitization
campaigns and round table conferences.
In a world where democracy and elections cannot be tak-
en for granted, the mission of the Center is:
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