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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                O  EISA  procuraatingir  a  excelêncianapromoção  de   en  Francophone  states,  the  founding  members  adopt-
                eleiçõescredíveis,  participaçãocívica  e  fortalecimento   ed  statutes  which  became  the  bylaws  of  the  network.
                das  instituiçõespolíticas  para  umademocraciasuste-  They elected a president and the members of an Exec-
                ntávelemÁfrica.                                        utive  Committee.  The  Head  of  Elections  Mali,  General
                                                                       SiakaSangaré, became the first president of the network.
                EISA’s Board of Directors is comprised of stakeholders   During this Assembly, the members unanimously agreed
                in the electoral process and civil society from the African   to establish the headquarters of the network in Québec
                continent and beyond. The Board provides strategic lead-  City and to nominate to the position of General Secretary
                ership and upholds financial accountability and oversight.
                                                                       the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec.
                To  promote  credible  elections,  citizen  participation  and
                the strengthening of political institutions for sustainable
                democracy in Africa, EISA’s programme areas include:

                      Symposia and conferences are conducted
                        annually in the case of the former, and as the
                        need arises in the case of the latter.         CENTER FOR DEMOCRACy AND
                      Elections and Political Processes seeks to      ELECTORAL STUDIES
                        influence key political processes that underpin
                        elections in Africa and to promote the         About CDES Cameroon
                        development, popularisation and application of   The Center for Democracy and Electoral Studies, CDES
                        election principles and good practices through   Cameroon,  is  an  independent,  non-political,non-gov-
                        knowledge production and dissemination,        ernmental and non-profit organization founded in 2011,
                        monitoring and technical support to election   dedicated to promoting and sustaining excellence in the
                        stakeholders.                                  management of democracy and support to electoral pro-
                                                                       cesses  in  Cameroon.  The  Center  aims  at  contributing
                      Political Parties Support aims to strengthen    towards achieving credibility in the management of elec-
                        these key democracy institutions in Africa,    toral processes.
                        by building the functional capacity of political
                        parties and foster good inter-party relations.   The Center seeks to promote awareness and adherence
                                                                       to democratic principles and obligations. We engage in
                                                                       different and sensitive issues related to the advancement
                                                                       of Human Rights and Democracy via a series of projects,
                                                                       and also foster research in these fields by creating oppor-
                                                                       tunities for Human Rights activists, election practitioners,
                                                                       graduate and undergraduate students to volunteer, intern
                                                                       and study at the center and its partner institutions.
                NETWORK                                                We help local activists, scholars, researchers in provid-
                                                                       ing research facilities and create a culture of respect of
                The Network of Francophone Electoral Skills (RECEF) (in   democratic principles and values. Our focus is to build
                French) was established as joint initiative between the in-  sustainable local channels through which the local pop-
                ternational Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF) and the   ulation, electorates and practitioners can use democracy
                Chief Electoral Officer of Québec (DGEQ). This network is   to improve livelihood and safeguard public offices.
                an association bringing together electoral commissions
                and administrations from the Francophone world.        CDES is about creating an enabling environment and mo-
                                                                       tivating people to do their very best all the time and to
                The DGEQ hosted the Constituent Assembly in Québec     dedicate  themselves  to  the  service  of  others,  ensuring
                City from August 22 to 24, 2011. During this assembly,   that  there  is  genuine  democracy,  free,  fair,  transparent
                bringing  together  election  administrators  from  elev-  and credible elections.


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