P. 383
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
Africa (7countries) - Ethiopia, Ghana,
Mozambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Senegal,
KOICA-KOREA INTERNATIONAL Middle east and CIS (2countries) - Azerbaijan,
Latin America (4 countries) - Bolivia, Paraguay,
To ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the grant Colombia, Peru
aid programs that used to be carried out by multiple gov-
ernment ministries, the Korean government in April 1991
established KO ICA under the MOFA as a unified grant
provider. Through the sharing of Korean’s development
experiences and know-how with its partner countries, KO-
ICA aims to fight global poverty and support sustainable
socio-economic development in developing countries
while at the same time strengthening Korea’s friendly re-
lations with them. Setting health, education, governance, ACE- THE ELECTORAL KNOWLEDGE
agriculture and rural development and technology, envi- NETWORK
ronment and energy as priority sectors, KOICA delivers
grant-based programs through its development projects, The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network is the world’s larg-
Development Experience Exchange Program (DEEP), in- est online community and repository of electoral knowl-
ternational volunteer and fellowship programs, emergen- edge. It provides comprehensive information and spe-
cy relief provision, multilateral cooperation, etc. Between cialised advice on any aspect of electoral processes. The
1991 and 2016, KOICA disbursed a total of about KRW foremost aim of ACE, is to foster the integrity of elections
6.274 trillion in 159 countries. At present KOICA operates and to promote credible, sustainable, professional and in-
44country offices around the globe. clusive electoral processes throughout the globe.
KOICA is now serving as a development cooperation plat- Launched at the United Nations in 1998 by International
form by entering into partnerships with a wide array of IDEA, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems
stakeholders, including government ministries, public in- (IFES), and the United Nations Department of Economic
stitutions, civil society, business and academia. It is forg- and Social Affairs (UNDESA), ACE was initially created as
ing global networks through launching joint projects with the Administration and Cost of Elections project. It was
UN development agencies to strengthen Korea’s national the world’s first online resource of its kind in the field
standing on the global stage. of elections. Today, the project is known as the ACE
Electoral Knowledge Network, expanding its mandate in
KOICA is joining forces with the international community 2006 to become a more dynamic and comprehensive
to contribute to the resolution of global challenges, in- knowledge repository, covering far more than just an En-
cluding poverty, environment, population, epidemics and cyclopaedia on the administration and cost of elections.
human rights. By developing and fostering individuals
with global competitiveness and indirectly helping Kore- This includes, among other things:
an business explore overseas markets, KOICA is devoting 1. Provision of Expert Advice and real time
efforts to create harmonious and symbiotic relations with knowledge services by the ACE Practitioners’
partner countries. Network, an online network of over 1000
PARTNER COUNTRIES:- election professionals from around the world;
2. One-stop-shop Topics Pages which provide
Asia (11 countries) - Bangladesh, Cambodia, in-depth encyclopaedia reading and related
Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Pakistan, Lao information for more than 20 topics covering key
PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka electoral issues and steps of the electoral cycle;
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