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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
part iii 10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
Organic Law of Georgia
Election Code of Georgia
1. Name of the EMB(S) 1. Total Population
The Central Election Commission of Georgia 3.9 million (2019 )
2. Registered Electors as on
2. Website Address 3.5 Million (February 1, 2020)
3. Method of voter registration
3. Nature of EMB The CEC shall be responsible for creation of a uni-
Independent fied list of voters, its computer processing, and
posting on the official CEC website of the informa-
4. No. of Members in EMB tion designated as public.
12 (The CEC shall be composed of a Chairperson
and 11 members. The Parliament of Georgia shall A party or an electoral bloc having gone through
elect 5 members of the CEC, the parties shall ap- electoral registration, an initiative group of voters
point 6 members under the procedure established registered, an observer organization, or a voter
by Election code of Georgia). shall have the right to familiarize themselves with a
version of the voters list available at the CEC, DECs
5. Terms of office or PECs that is designated for public information
5 years (The term of office of CEC members elect- and request, if any inaccuracy is discovered, not
ed by the Parliament of Georgia shall be five years). later than the 18th day prior to the Election Day, or
at any time during a non-election period, that the
6. EMB Members selected by data of voters and the voters lists be amended.
The President of Georgia shall select and submit
to the Parliament of Georgia 5 candidates for CEC 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo Identity
membership. Card
Voter ID Card or the passport of a citizen of Georgia
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
The CEC Chairperson shall be elected, upon Percentage
recommendation of the President of Georgia, by 2018 presidential elections 1st round - 46,83%,
two thirds of the total members of the CEC, by se- second round -56,36%
cret ballot, or by the Parliament of Georgia based
on the procedure established by Election of Code 6. Voting Method: Whether by e-voting/ EVM or
of Georgia. Paper Ballot
Manual marking of ballots
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential elections 7. Audit Trail
Not implemented
Parliamentary elections
Elections of Local Self-Government Bodies 8. Voting Process
On entering the polling room, a voter shall be
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the checked for ink, if a voter is not inked, he/she shall
Electoral Process in the country be allowed to vote. A commission member respon-
No sible for regulating the voters’ flow in the polling
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