P. 346

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                part iii                                                 7. Appointment Authority of Members
                                                                             The president of the Supreme Court is the ex officio
                  ELECtorAL sYstEM                                           chair

                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy                             8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                                                                             Parliamentary elections
                  1. Name of the EMB(S)                                      Presidential elections
                      DRŽAVNO IZBORNO POVJERENSTVO REPUBLIKE                 European elections
                      HRVATSKE (State Electoral Commission of the Re-        Local elections
                      public of Croatia)
                                                                       (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
                  2. Website Address
                                                  1. Total Population as on
                                                                             4.1 Million (Feb. 2019)
                  3. Nature of EMB
                      Independent                                        2. Registered Electors as on
                                                                             3.6  Million  (July  2020)  registered  voters  for  the
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   second round of Presidential Elections- 3.860.095
                                                                         3. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
                  5. Terms of office                                       Percentage
                      8 years                                                55% (second round of Presidential Elections)

                                                                         4. Voting Method
                  6. EMB Members selected by
                      the  President  of  the  State  Electoral  Commission    Manual marking of Ballots
                      is the President of the Supreme Court of the Re-    5. Audit Trail
                      public of Croatia ex officio.  Two Vice-Presidents     Not implemented
                      are elected by the General Session of the Supreme
                      Court of the Republic of Croatia  from among judg-    6. Voting Process
                      es of that court upon proposal of the President of     Voters are given a ballot on which they can encir-
                      the Supreme Court  of the Republic of Croatia. The     cle the ordinal number to the left of the name of
                      term of office of the  President is  as long as he/    a particular slate. If a voter wants to give a pre-
                      she  is  the  president  of  the  Supreme  Court  (and   ferred vote to a particular candidate on the slate,
                      the term of office is four years, with possibility of   s/he shall encircle the ordinal number to the left of
                      re-election)  whereas  the  Vice-Presidents  do  not   the name and surname of the candidate to whom
                      have a term of office set in years by law.             such voter wants to give a preferred vote.

                      The other  two Vice-Presidents and four Members        The  votes  are  casted  behind  a  voting  screen  to
                      of the State Electoral Commission are elected by       maintain secrecy. The ballot is then dropped into
                      the Croatian Parliament by majority vote of all rep-   a Ballot box.
                      resentatives  of  the  Croatian Parliament,  whereas   If a voter, due to any physical handicap or illiteracy,
                      one  Vice-President  and  two  Members  are  pro-      is unable to vote independently, s/he can be ac-
                      posed  for  election  by  the  majority  political  party   companied to the polling station with another per-
                      or coalition and the other Vice-President and two      son. The accompanying person should mark the
                      Members are proposed for election by the oppo-         ballot only upon the authorization and instruction
                      sition political parties or coalitions, in accordance   given by the concerned voter.
                      with the party structure of the Croatian Parliament
                      at the time of the election

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