P. 344
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. Nature of EMB commission who tears it from the ballots stub
Independent straight before handing it to the voter and puts the
commission’s stamp on it. The voter marks her/his
4. No. of Members in EMB choice with “Х” or “V” alone inside a cabin. When
Minimum 19 the voter comes out, s/he hands the folded bal-
lot to a member of the commission who checks
5. Terms of office
5 years whether the number of the ballot corresponds to
the number of the stub and if it does, puts a sec-
6. EMB Members selected by ond commission stamp on the ballot and tears the
President piece with its number on it, and then drops it in a
separate box. The voter may give preference to a
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority specific candidate from the list with a mark. In the
President case of machine voting, the voter may use special-
ized machine voting devices. The machine ballot
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB is structured in the same way as the paper ballot.
Parliamentary elections After the voting is completed, a control receipt is
Presidential elections printed, which is dropped in a special machine vot-
Local elections ing box.
European elections
9. Title of Election law
ELECTION CODE OF BULGARIA adopted on 1. Last Election Dates
5 March 2014 Parliamentary elections were held in Bulgaria on
Presidential elections were held in Bulgaria on 6
1. Total Population as on November 2016
6.9 Million (Feb. 2019)
2. Future Election Date
2. Registered Electors as on Male Female Parliamentary elections are scheduled to be held in
6.8 Million (March 2017)
Bulgaria by May 2021.
3. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total, Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in
Percentage Bulgaria in 2021
3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
4. Voting Method No
Manual marking of Ballots; Machine Ballot
4. Advance Voting
5. Audit Trail Voting abroad by voting at embassies/consulates
5. Compulsory Voting
6. Voting Process yes
In the polling stations, voters have the option of
voting either with a paper ballot or a machine bal-
In the paper ballot system, the voter receives a
paper ballot by a member of the section election
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