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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
room shall let a voter in the polling room only after election and Young Voter
the voter presents her/his relevant identification The CEC in cooperation with the CEC Training Cen-
documents to the polling officials. ter implement informational-learning course “Elec-
tions and Young Voter” for engagement of youth in
Once the identity is confirmed, the registrar of vot- public –political life and raising their awareness.
ers shall ink the voter and sign in a respective box in
the list of voters, after which the voter will confirm The course is conducted for the 11th and
the receipt of a ballot paper (papers) by his/her sig- 12th grade public school students in the regions
nature. When issuing a ballot paper (papers), a reg- densely populated with ethnic minorities and high
istrar of voters shall sign in the appropriate box on mountainous regions of Georgia.
the back of the ballot paper (papers) and certify the
ballot paper (papers) with a special seal, the voter The project is being implemented in cooperation
receives a ballot paper and is directed towards a with the Ministry of Education and Science of
ballot booth to vote in secret. Georgia.
The voter has to fill out the ballot paper according courses for election Administrators
to her/his choice of candidate. The CEC and its Training Center implement the
project “Courses for Election Administrators” for
If a voter is unable to independently mark the ballot preparing professional and high qualified human
paper, she/he can take assistance from an autho- resources. The course ensures learning of the vot-
rized person. After leaving the ballot booth, the vot- ing procedures.
er has to put the ballot in an envelope, seal it and
place it into a ballot box. Legal clinic
Since 2010 the legal clinic has been operating at
9. Voter education the CEC Training Center and aimed to deepen the
Voter and civic education required professional knowledge of law faculty
Civic and voter education is one of the priorities of students at higher education institutions in elec-
the 2015-2019 Strategic Plan of the Election Ad- tion law as well as raise their civic awareness and
ministration. It envisages increasing civic engage- develop practical skills.
ment in electoral processes, increasing voter par-
ticipation and raising voter awareness. Learning course in election law at High edu-
cation Institutions
The CEC implements several innovative projects The CEC Training Center under the auspices of the
with this respect. CEC implements various educational programs in-
cluding one-semester learning course in election
electoral Development schools law (Study Course in Election Law) for the students
The CEC in collaboration with its Training Center of law faculty as well as political and social science
implements the project – “Electoral Development faculty (media school) students.
School” designed for youth which aims at increas-
ing civic engagement, the popularization of elec- Distance Learning Program
tions in youth and developing training skills of Dis- The CEC Training Center elaborated distance
trict Election Commission members. The project is learning program aiming at increasing awareness
implemented annually and the CEC plans to grad- and is available to all interested persons. The pro-
ually cover all election districts in Georgia. gram includes tests which is an additional mean
for checking knowledge. Distance Learning Pro-
Electoral Development School” was launched in gram
2015. Pilot project was successfully implemented
in 10 election districts and as a resulf of CEC deci- supporting civil society engagement
sion it is being implemented annually. CEC Training Center within the framework of the
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