P. 241

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                PArt iii                                                     Show their Khmer Identity Card to the voter reg-

                  ELECtorAL sYstEM                                             istration team;
                                                                             Have their right to vote as stipulated in Article 46
                                                                               of the Law on Election of Members of the Na-
                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy                                   tional Assembly (LEMNA);

                  1.  Name of the EMB(S)                                     Have  not  yet  been  registered  to  vote  or  have
                      The National Election Committee (NEC)                    already  been  registered  in  another  commune/
                                                                               Sangkat or have not yet been registered at any
                  2.  Website Address                                          place in the commune/Sangkat.
                                                                             After the voter list is validated, if a citizen dies or
                  3.  Nature of EMB                                          his/her right to vote has been temporarily deprived
                      Independent EMB since 1998, Constitutional since       or his/her name is deleted from the voter list or has
                      2015                                                   changed  his/her  actual  residence  or  temporary
                                                                             residence and moved to another commune/Sang-
                  4.  No. of Members in EMB                                  kat  with  supporting  documents,  the  commune/
                      9                                                      Sangkat clerk shall record the names of those citi-
                                                                             zens in a separate list in a form determined by the
                  5.  Terms of Office                                        National Election Committee.
                      5 years
                                                                         4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                  6.  EMB Members Selected by                              Identity Card
                      The National Assembly
                                                                             Khmer Identity Card
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                 5.  Voter Turnout in Last National Election
                      The National Assembly
                  8.  Names of Elections Conducted by EMB                6.  Voting Method
                      Senatorial  Election,  National  Assembly  Election,   Manual marking of ballots
                      Capital/Provincial/Municipal/District/Khan  Coun-
                      cil Election, Commune/Sangkat Council Election     7.  Voting Process
                                                                             At the polling station, a voter has to present her/his
                  9.  Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                                                                             relevant documents for identification to the polling
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        officials. Upon confirmation, the voter gets a ballot
                                                                             paper containing logo and name of political parties
                  1.  Total Population                                       running for the election.
                      Total: 15.3 Million (2019)       Female: 7.8 Million   The voter is required to mark on the ballot paper
                  2.  Registered Electors                                    for only one political party of her/his choice. This
                      Total: 10.3 Million (Estimate 2020) 4                  process is to be done in secret. The ballot paper is
                                                                             then dropped in a ballot box and the voter’s finger
                  3.  Method of Voter Registration                           is dipped with indelible ink.
                      In  order  to  register  to  vote,  citizens  shall  appear   Voters  who  are  handicapped  can  be  assisted  in
                      in person at their commune/Sangkat office or at        voting by an adult or they can ask for the assis-
                      any place in the commune/Sangkat where they are        tance of the chief of the polling station.
                      living as determined by the National Election Com-
                      mittee.                                            8.  Voter Education System for Different Category of
                                                                           Voters Best Practices
                      When appearing in person, citizens shall:              NEC has produced  voter educational  materials

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