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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
cluding the development partners of Bhutan, has ECB but also by an interested Bhutanese Youth.
engaged in undertaking full-fledged civic & vot- The ECB has successfully initiated and implement-
er education programme to build and promote ed the Volunteer-VOICE Programme in in Two Dz-
the idea in schools and other educational and ongkhags (District) with the youth of Bhutan.
training institutes throughout Bhutan, so that
the students and youth are better able to under- Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
stand their current and future roles and respon-
sibilities as citizens through a “Democracy Club”.
The ECB accords high priority to the youth of Bhu-
tan and renders all necessary support in the suc-
cessful implementation of the Democracy Club
around the country. We are happy that the stu-
dents are benefited from this learning opportunity.
(ii) Bhutan children’s Parliament
The Bhutan Children’s Parliament (BCP) was es-
tablished with the adoption of its Constitution as
an opportunity for Bhutanese children to not only
hone their leadership skills through hands on ex-
periences but also be well informed and to voice
their ideas, thoughts and feelings so that their
concerns and opinions can be heard and included
in the social and political landscape. The Bhutan
Children’s Parliament has the full set of 67 Mem-
bers representing the Democracy Clubs of the 47
National Assembly Demkhongs (Constituencies)
and 20 National Council Demkhongs.
The parliament and school democracy clubs help
the younger generation understand the inner work-
ings of a democracy.
(iii) Volunteer-VoIce
Volunteers for Voter Information, Communication
and Education (Volunteer-VOICE), a measure to
fulfill the need for dissemination of intensive, rig-
orous and continuous information on democracy
and elections to the general public, not only by the
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