P. 232


                                                           H.E. K M Nurul Huda,
                                                      Chief Election Commissioner, EC

                PArt i                                                 PArt ii

                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                        LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  1.  Official Name                                    LEGISLATURE
                      The People`s Republic of Bangladesh
                                                                         1.  Structure of National Legislature
                  2.  Government                                             Unicameral
                      Cabinet form Of Government
                                                                         2.  Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  3.  Head of State Designation                              Bangladesh is a unitary Republic : one country and
                      President Abdul HAMID                                  one Parliament (House)

                  4.  Head of government Designation                     3.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                      Prime Minister Sheikh HASINA Wajed                   nominated
                  5.  Capital                                                A  Parliament  for  Bangladesh  is  to  be  known  as
                      Dhaka                                                  the House  of  the Nation. The  current Parliament
                                                                             of  Bangladesh  (JatiyaSangsad)  consists  of  350
                  6.  Currency                                               members elected to five-year terms. 300 are elect-
                      Taka (BDT)                                             ed in single-member territorial constituencies. The
                                                                             remaining 50 seats are reserved for women, and
                  7.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                   are filled on the basis of proportional representa-
                     Muslim- 90.39%                                          tion by a vote of the 300 members.
                     Buddha-0.60%                                        4.  Popular House
                     Christian-0.40%                                         House of the Nation (JatiyaSangsad )
                     Other Religions/No religion-0.10%
                                                                         5.  Type of Electoral System
                  8.  Date of Independence                                   Proportional Representation
                      26 March 1971 (From Pakistan)
                                                                       PArt iii
                  9.  Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution
                      1972                                               ELECtorAL sYstEM

                10. Language (s)
                      Bangla (official)                                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                11. Literacy Levels                                      1.  Name of the EMB(S)
                      Male: 76.67%        Female: 71.18%                     Bangladesh Election Commission (EC)
                      Total: 73.91%(2018)

                *Draft. Updated by the respective EMB           AS-2  212

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