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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  2.  Website Address                                    4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
            ,                     Identity Card
                                                                             Afghan identity card (e-Tazkira)
                  3.  Nature of EMB
                      Independent                                        5.  Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  4.  No. of Members in EMB
                      7 Commissioners in IEC, 5 Commissioners in IECC    6.  Voting Method
                                                                             Manual marking of Ballots
                  5.  Terms of office
                      5 Years for each EMB                               7.  Voting Process

                  6.  EMB Members selected by                                Ballot papers are used for voting. Voters mark their
                      President                                              ballots in secret behind a voting screen. The marked
                                                                             ballots are then dropped in ballot boxes. The count-
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     ing of votes, thereafter, is done manually. In Afghan-
                      President                                              istan, all citizens who are 18 years or above, have
                                                                             valid  voter  IDs,  and  have  not  been  deprived  from
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                    their civil or political rights, have the right to vote.
                      Presidential, Parliamentary Elections                  There are separate polling centres with female staff

                  9.  Names of the Other Bodies Related with the             to encourage women to vote in elections.
                    Electoral Process                                    8.  Method of electoral Dispute resolution
                      The Central Complaints Commission:- The Central        A candidate or his/her monitor may file a complaint
                      Complaints  Commission and its provincial  com-        during voting, counting and or within two working
                      missions may address the issues that fall within       days after the Election Day in the center and prov-
                      the scope of their authorities in cases of existence   inces.  (3)The  provincial  complaint  commissions
                      of any objections or complaints, and even in the       are  obliged  to  finalize  and  publish  the  results  of
                      absence of any objection or complaint.
                                                                             their investigations within 15 working days follow-
                10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                       ing the expiration of the deadline for filing and reg-
                      Election Law of 25  September 2016                     istering of complaints and objections. (4) In case
                                                                             the complainant or the candidate is not satisfied
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        with the decision of the provincial complaints com-
                  1.  Total Population                                       mission, he/she may personally or through his/her
                      51.3 Million (Oct., 2019)                              authorized representative file a written objection or
                      Male: 25.6 Million    Female: 25.8 Million             complaint with the Central Complaint Commission
                                                                             within three working days after the publication of
                  2.  Registered Electors                                    the decision. (5) The Central Complaints Commis-
                      8.9 Million (Oct., 2018)                               sion  is  obliged  to  reinvestigate  the  instances  of
                                                                             objection over the decisions of its provincial com-
                3. Method of voter registration                              missions in the light of documents and evidences,
                      The person eligible to vote has to personally ap-      and issue its final decision. (6) The Central Com-
                      pear  at  the  polling  center,  and  register  his/her   plaints  Commission  may  not  delay  adjudication
                      name  in  the  voters  list  based  on  the  citizenship   of the complaints and objections filed against the
                      Tazkira (National ID) or document specified by the     decisions of its provincial commissions for more
                      Commission for verification of his/her identity. (2)   than fifteen (15) working days.
                      No  person  can  register  his/her  name  more  than
                      once in the voters list. (3) The voter is obliged to     9.  Voter Education system
                      vote at the poling center, where his/her name has      Best practice  materials from inclusive voter ed-
                      already  been  registered  in  the  voters  list  of  that   ucation  campaigns  such  as  posters,  pamphlets,
                      polling center.                                        sample ballots and brochures are used.

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