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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  2.  Website Address                                        The serial number of the voter is recorded in the
                                                         Register of Voters by the second polling officer and
                                                                             the prescribed finger is marked with indelible ink.
                  3.  Nature of EMB                                          The voter receives a signed Voter’s Slip, which s/he
                      Independent                                            presents to the third polling officer who, after veri-
                  4.  No. of Members in EMB                                  fication, releases the ‘Ballot’ button of the EVM and
                      3                                                      directs  the  voter  to  a  secluded  Voting  Compart-
                                                                             ment  to  cast  her/his  vote.  Differently-abled  per-
                  5.  Terms of office                                        sons may choose to be accompanied by a com-
                      5  Years or until attaining age of 65                  panion to the voting compartment. A Postal Voter
                                                                             has to fulfil 3 vital steps i.e. RAV: first Registering
                  6.  EMB Members selected by                                with the ECB, Applying to the respective Returning
                      Monarch                                                Officer, and Voting on the signed postal ballot pa-
                                                                             per, as per the set procedures and within the time
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                      Monarch                                                frame set out in the Election Notification.
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                8.  Postal Vote
                      National  Assembly,  National  Council,  Local  Gov-   Votes may, notwithstanding anything contained in
                      ernment Elections                                      section 330, be cast by post or online by any of the
                  9.  Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                      Election Act Of The Kingdom Of Bhutan, 2008            (a)  Diplomats and persons working in the Embas-
                                                                                sies of Bhutan abroad;
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
                                                                             (b)  Any person on special government duty who is
                  1.  Total Population                                          for the time being residing outside Bhutan for
                      Total: 0..83 Million (Oct., 2019)                         the performance of the duty;
                      Male: 0.44 Million         Female: 0.39 Million
                                                                             (c)  Members of the Armed Forces of Bhutan;
                  2.  Registered Electors                                    (d)  Any person on election duty; 117
                      0.43 Million (Apr., 2018)
                                                                             (e)  Civil servants;
                  4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo               (f)   Students and trainees;
                    Identity Card
                      VPIC (Voter Photo Identity Card)                       (g)  The spouse or dependent of a person referred
                                                                                to in sub-sections (a) to (e), if the spouse or
                  5.  Voter turnout in last National Elections                  dependent is ordinarily residing with him/her;
                      71.46%                                                    and

                  6.  Voting Method                                          (h)  Any other group of voters as specified by the
                      Manual marking of Ballots                                 Election Commission in consultation with the
                                                                                Government. 332. The votes shall be cast by
                  7.  Voting Process
                      The EVM has been in use since the first-ever Par-         persons referred to in section 331 by post in
                      liamentary Elections  under  the  Constitution  in        the manner and at such time as prescribed by
                      2008.At the polling booth, a voter produces her/his       the Election Commission.
                      Voter Photo Identity Card (VPIC). The voter’s iden-    9.  Voter Education system for different category of
                      tity is verified in the Electoral Search System/Voter   voters Best Practices
                      List and the first polling officer calls out the voter’s   (i) Democracy club
                      name and serial number loudly to make the polling      The Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) in col-
                      representatives aware of the voter’s presence.         laboration  with  the  principal  stakeholders,  in-

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