P. 211

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                      Registraduria Nacional del Estado Civil (RNEC)     4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                      (National Civil Registry)                            Identity Card
                                                                             Identificacion Personal Cedula De Ciudadania
                  2.  Website Address
                                       5.  Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
                                                                             53,36 % Oct 2018
                  3.  Nature of EMB
                      Independent                                        6.  Voting Method
                                                                             Manual marking of Ballots; Mock electronic voting
                  4.  Terms of office                                        tested
                      The National Registrar of Civil Status has a period
                      of 4 years.                                        7.  Audit Trail
                                                                             Not implemented
                      The 9 Magistrates of the National Electoral
                      Council have a term of 4 years.                    8.  Voting Process
                                                                             At the polling station, a voter has to present
                      The President of the NEC is elected for a period of
                      one year by the 9 magistrates.                         her/his relevant identification documents. On
                                                                             confirmation, the voter gets an electoral/voting
                      At the end of the period, a new election is made.      card that has a list of political parties standing
                                                                             in the elections. The voter then goes towards
                  5.  EMB Members selected by                                a cubicle to cast her/his ballot in secret. The
                      The National Civil Registrar is chosen by the          voter is required to identify the party of her/his
                      Presidents of the Constitutional Court, the            choice, fold the card and put it into a ballot box.
                      Supreme Court of Justice and the Council of            In 2007, a large-scale pilot on electronic voting
                      State, through a merit competition.
                                                                             was conducted in Colombia wherein citizens
                      The nine (9) magistrates of the National Electoral     pretended to be voting in a real election.
                      Council are elected by the full Congress of the        It is planned to carry out an automated mixed
                                                                             vote pilot test in the Consejos de Juventud (Youth
                  6.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     Council) elections, to be held on November 8,
                      EMB                                                    2020.
                  7.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB              (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
                      Colombian Presidential Election
                                                                         1.  Last Election Dates
                  8.  Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                                                                             Elecciones de Autoridades Locales, 27 de octubre
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        de 2019.
                                                                         2.  Future Election Date
                  1.  Total Population as on                                 Elecciones Consejos de Juventud, 8 de noviembre
                      50.8 Million (Feb. 2020)
                                                                             de 2020.
                  2.  Registered Electors as on
                      36.6 Million, 17.7million men and 18.8 Million     3.  Compulsory Voting
                      women                                                  No

                  3.  Method of voter registration
                      The Censo Electoral (electoral register) is updated
                      with the automatic inclusion of the cedulas
                      (identification document) issued for the first time,
                      upon reaching the age of 18.

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