P. 209

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  3.  Nature of EMB                                      4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                      Independent                                          Identity Card
                                                                             Electoral card
                  4.  No. of Members in EMB
                      Minimum 7                                          5.  Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
                  5.  Terms of office0                                       79.54%
                      2 years
                                                                         6.  Voting Method
                  6.  EMB Members selected by                                Electronic Voting Machine
                      Supreme Court; Superior Court; President
                                                                         7.  Audit Trail
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     Implemented
                                                                         8.  Voting Process
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                    Identity of voters is validated either through in-
                      Presidential elections, Legislative elections
                                                                             person verification of documents or fingerprint
                  9.  Names of the Other Bodies Related with the             scanning (some of the EVMs have a fingerprint
                    Electoral Process in the country                         scanner). All the machines have an LCD screen to
                      The Electoral Justice is composed of the TSE,          guide the voter, and a numeric keypad to enable
                      the TREs, the judges and the electoral boards.         her/him to cast the vote.
                      She is responsible for organizing all stages of the    The electoral system allows audit of its election
                      Brazilian electoral process, from enlisting voters     process in multiple phases. It includes reprinting
                      to diplomating elected candidates.
                                                                             total number of votes each candidate received
                  10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                     and comparing with the number of voters
                      Law No. 9504                                           registered in that polling station, checking whether
                                                                             anything has been changed in the software used
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        in each machine, etc. The electoral justice also
                                                                             has parallel voting, where some polling stations
                  1.  Total Population as on
                      212.3 Million (Feb. 2019)                              are randomly picked and machines are changed
                                                                             for new ones. The electronic ballot boxes removed
                  2.  Registered Electors as on                              go through a voting process to verify if all security
                      147.3 Million (Oct. 2018)                              aspects are still unadulterated and machines are
                                                                             working accordingly as expected.
                  3.  Method of voter registration
                      To get your title, you need to look for the nearest     9.  Any Other Information
                      electoral office where you live. Bring with you an     “Electoral Justice Accessibility Programme” to
                      official Brazilian ID (with name, affiliation, date of   make elections more accessible, such as by
                      birth and nationality), proof of recent residence      placing electoral wards in accessible buildings,
                      (last 3 months) and, for males, proof of discharge     providing electoral staff that can communicate
                      with military service (requirement 1 July of the       in sign-language, electronic voting machines
                      year in which it turns 18 until December 31 of         accessible for blind voters, and saving the parking
                      the year in which it turns 45). Be sure to check if    spots closer to the voting facilities for persons
                      attendance in your electoral zone requires prior       with disabilities.
                      appointment. Now if you need a duplicate, you
                      can use the digital version of your title. Download
                      the e-Title app for your mobile phone (available
                      for Android or IOS) or get a new hard copy from
                      the electoral office.

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