P. 152

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  5. Election system                                         During counting, the Presiding officer also deter-
                      Presidential:  absolute  majority  Parliamentary:      mines  Votes  that  are  spoiled  and  those  that  are
                      FPTP Local elections : FPTP                            invalid.

                  6. Opening and closing time of polling stations            Spoiled votes are those that have been used but not
                      Opening: 7 am                                          cast in the transparent Ballot Box and are marked
                      Closing 4 pm                                           as”  spoiled”.  Invalid  Votes  are  those  cast  using
                                                                             un-authorised mark(s) of choice or are marked in
                  7. Counting process                                        such a way that the Presiding Officer cannot deter-
                      Presiding Officer with assistance of Polling Assis-    mine the intention or choice of the Voter. They are
                      tants places a Black polyethene sheet provided for     marked as “invalid”.
                      the  counting  purpose  on  the  floor/ground  in  full
                      view of voters present.                                The  total of each  candidates’ valid  votes  in the
                                                                             bundle are announced and Results filled in Forms
                      Presiding Officer cuts the seals open of one Trans-    provided,  namely:  The  Official  Report  Book;  The
                      parent Ballot Box at a time, containing cast ballots   Accountability of Ballot papers; and the Declara-
                      used per Office and empties the contents on the        tion of Results Forms.
                      Polyethene Sheet.
                                                                             The Presiding Officer announces the winner at the
                      Presiding Officer and Polling Assistants unfold and    Polling station.
                      straighten the cast ballots into a single heap.
                                                                         8. How long does it take to announce voting results
                      Presiding Officer assigns the Polling Assistants to   in your country
                      receive and hold the sorted cast ballot papers per     48 hours after closing of polling stations

                      Beginning  with  the  least  heap,  Votes  are  sorted
                      and  counted  in  bundles  of  50  to  make  addition
                      and counting easier. Each candidates bundles are
                      bound together using Rubber Bands.

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