P. 149

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  3. Nature of EMB                                       7. Voting Process
                      Independent                                            Polling Stations open at 7:00 AM in the presence of
                                                                             a minimum of 5 Voters Present to witness opening
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   procedure.
                      7  members,  composed  of  a  chairperson,  deputy
                      Chairperson and 5 members of the commission. It        Voting  at  every  election  shall  be  by  secret  ballot
                      has the secretary to the Commission, who is also       using one ballot box at each polling station for all
                      the head of the Secretariat; 3 Directorates and 12     candidates
                                                                             Presiding Officer at the commencement of the poll
                  5. Terms of office                                         and in the full view of all present demonstrates to
                      7 Years                                                the satisfaction of all present that the ballot box is
                                                                             devoid of any contents and places the box on the
                  6. EMB Members selected by                                 table ready for polling. Voters form a queue at least
                      President, with the approval of Legislature            5 Metres away from the Presiding Officer’s table,
                                                                             where Voter Identification takes place and the first
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                      President, with the approval of Legislature            ballot paper issued in a multiple voting system or
                                                                             single voting system depending on the number of
                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB                     offices.
                      Presidential, Parliamentary, Local Government
                                                                             A second table is placed at least 15 Metres away
                  9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the              from the Presiding Officer’s table. On it is placed
                   Electoral Process in the country at National Level        a plastic basin to act as a voting booth in which
                   with names of the Heads                                   the  voter  practically  exercises  the  choice  of  the
                      No                                                     vote using a pen to tick the choice or an inkpad to
                                                                             thumbprint the choice.
                10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
                      Established in 1995, operational in 1997 (Electoral    A third table is placed at least 10 Metres away from
                      Commission Act, Cap 140)                               the second table. On it is placed a sealed trans-
                                                                             parent Plastic Ballot Box in which the voter casts
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        the  already  ticked/thumb-printed  ballot  paper  by
                                                                             folding it lengthwise and inserting it in the slot pro-
                  1. Total Population                                        vided on the Ballot Box.
                      Total: 45.7 Million
                                                                             A Fourth table is placed at least 10 Metres away
                  2. Registered Electors                                     from the Third table. On it is placed the indelible
                      15.3 Million                                           ink pad or indelible ink marker used by the Polling
                                                                             Assistant manning this table to mark the Cuticle
                  3. Method of voter registration                            of the Voters’ Right Hand thumb. In a Single vot-
                      Biometric                                              ing outlay where Voters are voting for one office
                  4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo                only, the fourth table concludes the process. In a
                   Identity Card                                             Multiple set up, the process is repeated by placing
                      National Identity Card                                 another table at least 10 Metres away from the first
                                                                             Transparent Ballot Box and on it is placed the next
                  5. Voter turnout in last National Elections                set of Ballot papers issued by a Polling Assistant
                      67.62% (2016)                                          manning the table for the purpose of issuance. The
                                                                             subsequent tables for the Basin Booth and Trans-
                  6. Voting Method                                           parent Ballot Box are placed 10 Metres apart in a
                      Manual marking of Ballots                              repeated sequence until the last office is voted for.

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