P. 155
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
tains civic education content and resources for PArt iv
academicians and researchers on the Zambian
electoral process which will cater for children and sUPPLEMENtArY
adults. iNforMAtioN
10. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
1. Main functions of EMB
Constitution 1996, 229(2):
implement the electoral process;
conduct elections and referenda;
register voters;
settle minor electoral disputes;
regulate the conduct of voters and candidates;
accredit observers and election agents;
delimit electoral boundaries; and
other prescribed functions.
Zambia: working towards an accessible electoral
It is the first time that the country will have devel-
oped and implemented measures to ensure that
persons with disabilities effectively participate in
the entire electoral process in 2016 elections. The
electoral commission was compelled through liti-
gation and advocacy to produce an action plan and
budget to ensure that persons with disabilities are
(C) ELECTION CALENDAR catered for in this year’s election. The commission
has proposed to spend K 2,800,000 (US$ 250,000)
1. Last Elections Dates on 5,600 ramps to be used by persons with dis-
11 August 2016
abilities in this year’s election. The commission
2. Future Election Calendar has further proposed to spend K 467,000 (US$
2021 42,000) on production of accessible information
and communication materials alongside meetings
3. Are there any fixed election days/dates with persons with disabilities.
If Zambia succeeds to have such an accessible
4. Advance Voting general election, the country may well become a
Yes model for other African countries.
5. Compulsory Voting
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