P. 12
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
Accuracy and authentication of the databases determines the strength of a
document. In this context, the draft Document was hoisted on the website
of the Centre and circulated to the A-WEB Members for updating and
corrections through good offices of Secretary General, A-WEB. Response
from some of the Members is awaited. We will be happy to receive any
corrigenda or additional information that you may like to share with us for
regular and periodic updating the Document.
The Document as such presents a ‘One Stop’ rich and valuable information
about the Member EMBs and Partner organizations to facilitate, support
and enhance the interaction among the A-WEB Community through
efficient Knowledge sharing. More knowledge sharing from the Centre will
follow. You may like to visit the Centre at
I dedicate the ‘Ready Reckoner’ to the ‘A-WEB Community’.
Umesh Sinha
Secretary General,
Election Commission of India and
Senior Advisor, India A-WEB Centre.
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