P. 90
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
Information on elections # seats Term of # candidates / political parties #districts
Presidential Elections 1 4 1
Parliamentary 275 4 275
Local government
to undertake programmes for the expansion of 7. Opening and closing time of polling stations
the registration of voters (see Voter registration Opening: 7 am
and voters’ rolls); and
Closing: 5 pm
to perform such other functions as may be pre-
scribed by law (see Election period and dates), 8. Counting process
overseeing Candidate nominations and accred- Counting takes place at the polling station imme-
iting and Election observation missions). diately after polling and is observed by candidates
and their agents]The counting of votes may be
to undertake the preparation of voter identity
cards (see Voter registration and voters’ rolls); undertaken by the presiding officer (if appointed
and a counting officer) or by another so appointed.
Counting may take place at the polling station or
to store properly election material. at some other venue. The exact procedure may
thus vary according to local circumstances, but
3. Number of political parties the votes are counted by the counting officer in the
19 presence of the party agents and observers (if any)
4. Number of polling stations 10. How long does it take to announce voting results
28,992 (2016 elections) in your country
24 to 28 hours after closing of vote
5. Voting age
6. Election system
Presidential : directly elected by absolute majority
Parliamentary : elected in single-seat constituen-
cies by simple majority
Local elections :
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