P. 88
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
4. No. of Members in EMB Where it appears from an application that the ap-
7 plicant should be registered as voter in a constit-
uency other than that to which the application re-
5. Terms of office lates, the registration officer shall cause notice of
Unlimited the application to be sent to the registration officer
of the constituency where the applicant should be
6. EMB Members selected by
President registered. The Commission may vary the applica-
tion procedure and the period of registration in the
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority case of disabled or incapacitated person or a Gha-
President naian citizen resident abroad.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Presidential, Parliamentary Identity Card
Voter ID Card
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the
Electoral Process in the country at National Level 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
with names of the Heads 72.32%
6. Voting Method
10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) Manual marking of Ballots
Act 451 - The Electoral Commission Act, 1993
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS 7. Voting Process
In presence of candidates, their agents, security
1. Total Population officers, polling officers and accredited observers
Total: 31.07 Million presiding officer demonstrates ballot boxes are
empty, seals them and places them in constant
2. Registered Electors public view, allowing candidate agents to place
Total: 15.7 Million their own seals; police are stationed outside poll-
ing station
3. Method of voter registration
Every Citizen of Ghana of Eighteen years of age Voters vote at the polling station where they are
or above and of sound mind has the right to vote registered; voter presents voter’s card; officials
and is entitled to be registered as a voter for the mark against voter’s name on roll, mark a finger
purposes of public elections and referenda. The with indelible ink, stamp and issue a ballot paper;
Commission will by notice published in the Gazette in a booth the voter places thumb print the ballot
invite every person who is entitled to be registered next to the candidate of choice, folds the ballot and
as a voter to apply to the registration officer for the places it in a ballot box
registration of his name in the divisional register
of the electoral area in which he ordinarily resides. 8. Postal Vote
The application for registration will be made on
the form for the purpose set out in the Schedule 10. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
to this Instrument. The applicant will then appear
in person before the registration officer at the reg- 11. Voter Education system for different category of
istration centre at the time specified by notice in voters Best Practices
the Gazette by the Commission. The applicant “ASK THE EC” TV programme supported by the Eu-
needs to supply the information required to fill the ropean Union for the Voter Education and Aware-
application and the registration officer shall fill the ness of voters
form on behalf of the applicant who shall affix his
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