P. 75
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii spective of its validity, serve for the purpose of
3. In the absence of an I.D. card, evidence of iden-
tity such as a driving license residence permit,
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy a military discharge document, student ID card
bearing a recent photograph of the voter, shall
1. Name of the EMB(S) be deemed to be sufficient document for regis-
National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE)
tration purposes.
2. Website Address 4. In the absence of the aforementioned docu- ments, registration may be carried out upon
recognition of the voter’s identity by the elector-
3. Nature of EMB al officials or through traditional or customary
Autonomous government agency means in the case of rural areas and after a re-
cord has been entered to that effect.
4. No. of Members in EMB
5 5. Registration may be carried out where it is pos-
sible to recognize the voter based on the testi-
5. Terms of office mony of public observers, which shall be record-
5 Years ed in minutes.
6. EMB Members selected by 6. Without prejudice to Article 20 sub-article (2),
Legislature the disabled and the blind who are eligible shall
be registered in person accompanied by their
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority assistants.
Legislature 7. The name of a person who is eligible to elect
shall be entered into the electoral register.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
General elections, Local elections, B y –election, 8. Any person duly registered shall be issued with
Re election, Referendum a voter’s card bearing his full name including
grandfather’s, the Regional State where he re-
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the sides, zone, Woreda, Kebele, designated polling
Electoral Process in the country at National Level station, house number, village or locality, regis-
with names of the Heads tration number, serial number, electoral register
No page, voter’s signature, registrar’s signature and
date of registration.
10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
9. Registration of voters can be conducted where
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS a minimum of three of the election officers are
1. Total Population 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Total: 115 Million Identity Card
Voter Card
2. Registered Electors
Total: 37 Million (May, 2015) 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
3. Method of voter registration
1. The voter shall be registered in a polling station 6. Voting Method
where he resides by producing an identification Manual marking of Ballots
card or passport.
2. The identification card or passport may, irre-
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