P. 78
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMB’s and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
Upon joint agreement on the validity of the vote, Each vote counting table shall be handed over
he shall instruct that the corresponding vote to the polling station head subsequent to being
counting table be marked by the assigned elec- cosigned, on the reverse side, by the election of-
tion officer. ficers, public observers and by the candidate or
Upon conclusion of the counting of votes for the his representative.
election to the House of Peoples’ Representa-
tives, the polling station head shall: announce The polling station election officers shall fill in the
that no ballot paper is left out of counting; and blank at the bottom of the reverse side of each
cause the public observers and candidates’ rep- vote counting table and sign same. The signing
resentatives to confirm same. thereof shall also be done by: public observers,
The assigned election officers shall each, in turn, and candidates or their representatives.
be called upon to announce the last number The polling station head shall make entries of
marked up on their respective vote counting ta- the vote counting results onto Form No. 07 and
Poster No. 07: as in three copies each, and have
Verification of the results so announced shall be same signed by the election officers and public
made by counting out the validly marked ballot observers for purposes of reporting such results
papers sorted out by type of candidature sym-
bol. to the Constituency Electoral Office and of publi-
cizing them to the electorate, respectively.
The polling station head shall then check that no
objection is raised as to the total number of valid 10. How long does it take to announce voting results
votes received by each candidate. Around 1 month
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