P. 71
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
4. No. of Members in EMB 7. Voting Process
Board of 10 members
5. Terms of office
6 Years
6. EMB Members selected by
Supreme Judicial Council and Special Councils
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
Chair is the most senior member from the court of
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Administer Referenda and Presidential, Parliamen-
tary and Local Council Elections
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
Law No. 198 for the year 2017
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS Voting shall be conducted in one day or more, un-
der the full supervision of the Presidential Elections
1. Total Population Committee.
Total: 102.3 Million
(Law 22/2014)
2. Registered Electors Steps for 2018 elections
61.3 Million (2019 referendum)
Voting shall be conducted for three days from
3. Method of voter registration March 26 to March 28 between 9 am and 9pm (lo-
Egypt established a system of universal voter reg- cal time).
istration. Each citizen has a national identification Egyptians who are outside the country have the
card. Every individual age 16 years old or older is right to cast their vote and already did so between
entered into a national database based on the ad- March 16 and March 18.
dress on his or her national identification card. That
database is used as the national register for voters. All things being equal, on arrival at a polling station
Voters who are at least 18 years or older need only a person is expected to present their National ID
show their national identification card at the polls card to an official.
in order to vote. Egyptians in the diaspora were also able to use
their National Passports to vote.
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card If details of the ID card correspond to what is in
Voter Card the register, a voter is handed a presidential ballot
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
33.41% The voter goes into a booth to secretly cast their
ballots and put in the ballot box.
6. Voting Method The voter shall then sign or stamp her/his thump
Manual marking of Ballots against her/his name on the voters’ list, and shall
immerse her/his finger into the indelible ink that is
not removable before no less than 48 hours.
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