P. 67
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii 2. Registered Electors
Total: 40.3 Million ( 2018 elections)
3. Method of voter registration
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy Biometric Voter Registration
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
1. Name of the EMB(S)
Commission ElectoraleNationaleIndépendan- Identity Card
te-CENI (Independent National Electoral Commis- Voter Card
sion) 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
2. Website Address 6. Voting Method
Electronic Voting Machine/ Ballot Paper
3. Nature of EMB
Independent 7. Voting Process
Using biometric system, voter’s identity is verified
4. No. of Members in EMB
21, 3 drawn from each Component (the Govern- when he shows his voter card or ID
ment, the Political Opposition, the RDC and the Voter is given a ballot paper to insert in voting
MLC) and two each from the remaining Entities machine, where he can choose the candidates he
that are party to the Inter-Congolese Dialogue; it wants to vote for.
was chaired by a representative of Civil Society.
At least one representative from each component The results are printed in the ballot paper, which is
and entity had to be a woman folded and inserted inside the ballot box.
5. Terms of office 8. Postal Vote
6 Years As a result of the June 2018 addendum to the Vot-
er Registration Law, there will not be any out-of
6. EMB Members selected by country voting ahead of the December 30, 2018,
Political Parties elections.
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority 9. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
Not Specified The Constitutional Court is responsible for the ad-
judication of election disputes raised in the pres-
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidency, National Assembly (lower house of the idential and national legislative elections. The
legislature), and provincial provisional results of the presidential election can
be contested within two days of the Independent
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the National Electoral Commission’s announcement
Electoral Process of the results. The period for reviewing disputes
No in the presidential election is seven days from the
date a given case has been referred to the Consti-
10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) tutional Court. Provisional results of national legis-
Law No 04/009 of June 5, 2004 lative elections may be contested within eight days
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS of the official results announcement. All disputes
must be reviewed within two months from the date
1. Total Population that a given case is referred to the Constitutional
Total: 89.5 Million Court.
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